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Pets and Animal Resources Agriculture and Forestry - Aquaculture - Aquatic Animal Producers - Fish - Freshwater - Breeders links

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Breeders Links

Aqua Bounty Farms Inc. - Develop fish for aquaculture with improved growth rates and other economically desirable traits through the use of gene constructs. Includes reference materials and links to related articles and resources .
Aqua Point Fish Farm - A hatchery based in Wisconsin USA specializing in perch and hybrid bluegills for pond stocking and commercial grow-out.
Aquatic Plus Trading Co. Ltd. - Breeder trader and exporter of live tropical fish and aquatic plants from Thailand
Azienda Agricola Pisani Dossi - Breeds and exports sturgeons ornamentals and trout as well as fertilized eggs and yolk sacs. Milano Italy.
Berkshire Trout Farm Ltd. - Specialized in producing brown and rainbow trout for the re-stocking of rivers and lakes. Berkshire England.
Billy Bland Fishery - Offers ornamental goldfish koi and catfish for shipping.
Birch Creek Deer Farm - Pennsylvania trout hatchery providing fresh prepared or live rainbow brook brown and steelhead trout.
Cantrell Creek Trout Farm and Hatchery - Regional stocking and hatchery service of Rainbow Trout in Western North Carolina and surrounding areas .
Clear Springs Foods Inc. - Vertically integrated company offer farming feed manufacturing processing and research for the production of rainbow trout.
Country Fish Farms - Specializes in recreational pond and lake fish sports fish and game fish stocking in south central Missouri.
Cuttlebrook Farm - A United Kingdom based Koi farm selling a range of sizes and varieties of Koi carp.
Darrell Saul Farms Inc. - Raise and sell baitfish food fish and ornamental fish. Species include the golden shiner minnow catfish koi and grass carp .
Delta Pride - A Mississippi farmer-owned cooperative which raises and distributes catfish.
Discus CZ s.r.o. - Czech hatchery growing Discus and other tropical fresh water fish for export.
Dixie Fish Farms LLC - Breeds and raises a variety of fresh water fish. Provides pond lake and stock recommendations.
Dragon Fish Industry - Dragonfish and Asian Arowana breeding farm . Includes photograph gallery FAQs and related links . Located in Singapore.
Fishgen Ltd - Develop and supply broodstock and seed for aquaculture including male only Tilapia. Company and product information contacts.
FYD International Corp - Operates a nine-hectare aqua-culture complex that includes a breeder farm a hatchery a nursery a disposal tank installation for its tilapia products .
Henneke Fish Hatchery and Tree Farm - Breeder and Supplier of a variety of freshwater fish species in Halletsville Texas. Product information and contacts.
Kloubec Fisheries - Specializes in game fish and ornamental Koi. Includes stock descriptions and a pond calculator. Based in Iowa.
Luo's Goldfish Farm - Breeder and exporter of Chinese fancy goldfish Guang Dong Province China. Photos of product contacts.
Minnesota Muskie Farm - Producers of spotted barred and tiger muskies for lakes ponds or aquariums.
Nam Sai Farms Co. Ltd. - Supplier of monosex tilapia & broodfish in many strains & colours and producer of hapas. Based in Prachinburi Thailand.
Nature Lagoon Sdn Bhd - Breeder and exporter of a variety of freshwater tropical aquarium fish. Ships worldwide. - Breeder of betta splendens species in Thailand. Photo gallery ordering information. English and Thai language.
Ornamental Fish - Fish farm operators importers and exporters of fancy Chinese goldfish koi and some tropical fish.
Perch Research International - Produce feed trained fingerlings and adult yellow perch for grow-out stocking ponds or lakes and for consumption.
Pompadua House Discus Farm - Breeding and exporting tropical discus. Bangkok Thailand.
Professional Aquaculture Services - Producing broodstock for pond and lake aquaculture. Species include channel catfish striped bass large mouth bass and white sturgeon.
Pure Springs Trout and Walleye Farm - Producer of high quality bass walleye crappie rainbow and speckled trout fingerlings with associated fishing park and farm gate sales.
Rowdy Creek Fish Hatchery - A Non-Profit Corporation to operate a fish hatchery to increase and perpetuate the native runs of steelhead and chinook salmon in the Smith River.
Schultz's Fish Hatchery - Located in Northeast Pennsylvania specializing in pond and lake stocking. List of available species general information contacts.
Smart Fish Farm - Live fish management and marketing aerators and feed equipment repair and construction of lakes. Includes fish days schedule and pricing.
Suzhou Hitarget - Koi and goldfish breeder and exporter. Includes photo galleries of stock. Located in Suzhou China. - Fish fry hatchery and distribution Thailand. Company profile details of species contacts.
Tilapias del Sol - Production and processing of Tilapia a high protein fresh water fish. Includes information about the farm and plant facilities products and international marketing. Located in Bagaces.
Troutlodge Inc. - Produce trout eggs and broodstock. Includes company history news and technical bulletins .
Wild Things Fish Hatchery - Breeder of African South American and other fish species. Photogalleries general information and prices.
Yuen Fat Fisheries - Exporters of tropical fish. Hong Kong China.