Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources Agriculture and Forestry - Livestock - Camelids - Llamas - Associations links

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Associations Links

Alpaca and Llama Show Association - Promoting llamas and alpacas by enhancing the visibility and demonstrating the versatility of llamas at shows; establishing guidelines for the shows educating the judges and recording the achievements of the individual llamas.
International Lama Registry - ILR information fee structure name search DNA procedure information animal and owner census data. Members can also access common forms used for transactions with the ILR.
LAMAS Llama Association of the Mid-Atlantic States - A group of llama owners and breeders promoting the health and well being of llamas and alpacas. Serving Maryland Virginia North Carolina and anyone else who is a member.
Llama Association of Australia - The purpose of the Llama Association of Australasia is to educate and facilitate communication between members and the general public in matters relating to the care and appreciation of llamas.
Llama Association of Southern California - Non-Profit organization of Llama owners and breeders interested in the exchange and dissemination of information about the Llama including meetings and fun events.
Llama Marketplace - Advertising targeted toward bringing new llama people into the community. Winlock WA
Rocky Mountain Llama and Alpaca Association - Sharing information about llamas and alpacas with fellow owners and the general public. Listings of breeders and events as well as practical husbandry information provided.
Tennessee Llama Community - The Tennessee Llama Community (TLC) is a fun and active group of llama owners around Tennessee who love llamas.