Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources Agriculture and Forestry - Livestock - Goats - Chats and Forums links

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Chats and Forums Links

All About Goats - An e-mail list for people who love goats. Information on how to join and public message archives.
Aussigoats - An open forum for discussion and questions regarding goats and goat keeping in Australia. Public message archives.
Cheapcritters - A list for folks who want to raise sheep goats pigs chickens and ducks for food for sale or as pets at the least possible cost and with a minimum of effort but still humanely. Public message archives.
Goat and Sheep Rancher - An email list for all goat and sheep owners/fanciers large and small to meet and greet. Information on how to join; message archives for members only.
GoatAds - This list is created specifically for advertisements mainly goats but not necessarily limited to goats only. Information on how to join; message archives for members only.
Goatpics - An email list for goat raisers dairy or meat who want to show us their candid photos of their goats. Information on how to join; archives for members only.
Goats-Canada - A regional mailing list open to all goat breeders owners and fanciers resident in Canada.
Goats-R-Us - Goat breeders from the State of Missouri will correspond and discuss the marketing and raising of goats. Information on how to join this list; message archives for members only.
GoatShows - A list to post all goat show information including breeds dates times city state contact person and other information pertaining to goat shows in the US.
GoatsPlus - A discussion group for people that either like and/or raise any breed of goat. Information on how to join; message archives for members only.
MIgoat - An email list for goat activities going on in the state of Michigan. Information on how to join; message archives for members only.
Practical-goats - List for owners to discuss care and practical aspects of goatkeeping as well as answering questions of new owners. Public message archives.