Additional Helpful Online Resources
Pets and Animal Resources Agriculture and Forestry - Livestock - Poultry - Exhibition - Associations links
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Associations Links
American Bantam Association - Contains member resources judge information and an online store.
American Poultry Association - Sanctions meets at poultry shows in North America and publishes breed standards. Includes breed classifications top exhibitors point standings health articles and club merchandise.
Ohio National - Official site of the Ohio Poultry Breeders Association. Information related to the poultry fancy including articles by breeders juniors section a breeder's directory and show information.
The New England Bantam Club - A club for those keeping or showing bantam chickens and ducks. Membership information pictures club news and articles. Based in Massachusetts USA.
The Northern New York Poultry Fanciers - A club in Madrid New York for poultry waterfowl caged bird and small animal breeders and fanciers.