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Pets and Animal Resources Agriculture and Forestry - Livestock - Poultry - Exhibition - Chickens - Breeders links

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Breeders Links

Bantam Roost - Bearded d'Uccle bantam chickens in several varieties. Breeding information pertinent to any bantam breed. New York USA.
Bill's Poultry - Breeders of Japanese bantams with breed information and pictures. Maryland USA.
Blue Ridge Bantams - Old English Game bantams in Crele Blue Brassy Back Quail and Brassy Back varieties with photo album. Virginia USA.
Charlie Conners Bantams - Old English Game bantams in Brown Red Blue Red Black Lemon Blue Ginger Red and Crele varieties with photo galleries. Arkansas USA.
Chickenfreak 2000 - Breeder and exhibitor of Old English Game bantams American Game bantams miniature Pit Games and Old English large fowl. Mississippi USA.
Christian & Dobbs - Old English Game bantam breeders specializing in Black Crele and Silver Duckwing varieties with a few select birds for sale in West Virginia.
Cochin Corner - Breeder and exhibitor of several varieties of Cochins also White Call Bantam Ducks and guinea fowl.
Da Barn - Breeder and exhibitor of Dutch Japanese d'Uccle and d'Anvers bantam chickens and migratory waterfowl. Photographs links poultry games and puzzles. Mississippi USA.
Dennis and Brian's Page - Wheaton and Silver Duckwing varieties of Old English Game bantams. Virginia USA.
Holiday Farms - Small backyard breeders of rare and fancy poultry offer rare Exchequer Leghorns Mottled Javas Delawares and fancy Silkies Frizzles Sultans and Ameraucanas.
J & T 's Old English Game Bantams - Old English Game bantam breeder specializing in brassyback and blue brassyback and also raising several other varieties in South Carolina.
Jos's Miscellany - Describes farm in Western Washington. Photographs of d'Uccles and Old English Game and Cochin bantams directory of bantam chicken sites.
Longhackle Game Bantam Farm - Raise Old English Game bantams and American Game bantams. Formerly Huggins Old English site. Arkansas USA.
McCutchen's Old English - Breeder and exhibitor of White Black Brassy Back and Black Breasted Red Old English Game bantams and Dark Cornish bantams in Oklahoma USA. Includes photo gallery and links to other fanciers clubs and suppliers.
Mongold's New Hampshire Bantams - Breeder shares information and pictures.
Random Rosecombs - Rosecomb bantam breeder and exhibitor raises many varieties. Photos of varieties coops horses and other pets in California USA.
Raymo's Roost - Old English Game bantam breeders raising several varieties in New York sell birds and eggs.
Super Chick Poultry - Australian breeders of the Cochin Houdan Langshan and Orpington breeds. Photographs of birds and price list.
Warren Creek Bantams - Breeder of Cuckoo variety of Old English Game bantams Mille Fleur d'Uccles Black Rosecombs and Sesatapole geese shares chicken art work show records links and pictures. California USA.