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News and Media Links

AMS Poultry Market News - The supply demand and price situation on a US regional national and international basis for poultry poultry products eggs and egg products.
Canada Poultryman - Industry magazine. Includes articles from current and past issues subscription form bookstore and buyers guide.
Feather Fancier Newspaper - Canadian publication catering to breeders and fanciers of purebred poultry fancy and racing pigeons domestic and ornamental waterfowl pheasants and other avian species. Has featured monthly article online.
Poultry and Egg News - Features industry news marketing associations and resources. Classifieds and subscription information included.
Practical Poultry Magazine - UK-based publication for hobbyists and small-scale commercial producers. Online subscriptions and ordering of back issues.
The Game Bird Gazette - Magazine about breeding and raising ducks geese swans pheasants quail partridges and all other game birds appearing around the world. Has some articles online.