Additional Helpful Online Resources
Pets and Animal Resources Agriculture and Forestry - Livestock - Sheep - Breeds - Navajo-Churro - Breeders links
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Breeders Links
Bide a Wee Navajo-Churro Sheep - Informative page about Navajo-Churro Sheep from a farm specializing in this breed. Located in Chehalem Valley southwest of Portland Oregon.
Cowichan Bay Farm - Breeders of Navajo-Churro sheep San Clemente goats and Irish Dexter cattle on a sustainable farm in Cowichan Bay British Columbia.
Fine Felt Farm - Breeders of Navajo-Churro sheep and Karakul sheep in Casanova Virginia.
Lavender Hill Farm - Breeders of Navajo Churro sheep colored Angora goats Finn sheep Angora rabbits and Miniature donkeys in Claysville Pennsylvania.
Maple Tree Farms - Breeders of Navajo-Churro sheep and Berkshire pigs in Salem Oregon.
Puddleduck Farm Heritage Sheep - Puddleduck Farm founded 1974 devoted to primitive breeds of sheep; Jacob Navajo-Churro and Shetland.
RidgeTop Farm - Breeder of Navajo Churro sheep and Cashmere goats. Fiber available.
Tattersall Kennels - Breeders of Navajo Churro sheep British White cattle and Dobermans in Farmersville Texas.
The Land & Lamb Company - Breeders of Navajo-Churro sheep located in Royalton Vermont.
Tregellys Fiber Farm - Breeders of Navajo Churro sheep Icelandic sheep Galloway cattle and Angora goats in Hawley Massachusetts.
Union Valley Navajo-Churro Sheep - America's oldest breed of domesticated sheep Navajo-Churro Sheep are a rare breed of sturdy easy-keeper sheep best known for their wool used by the Navajos for traditional rug weaving their unusual four-horned characteristic and their tasty meat. Locat |