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Pasture and Feed Links

Artificial Rearing of Lambs - Feeds feeding and what can go wrong when are orphaned lambs or when prolific ewes have too many lambs for the milking ability of the natural mother.
Baled Haylage For Sheep - This paper will be limited only to discussions on baled haylage with limited references to conventionally stored haylage.
Case's Agworld - Grazing groups hay for sale pasture for lease. Extensive list of forage and rotational grazing links.
Chronic Copper Poisoning - Answers the question of why chronic copper poisoning (CCP) occurs.
Copper Toxicity in Sheep - Nutrient interactions animal management and environmental conditions that may increase the risk of copper toxicity and how the sheep producer can minimize these risks
Creep Environment Very Important for Lambs - Creep feeding is a means of providing supplemental feed for the lambs during the nursing period in an area separated from the ewes.
Creep Feeding Lambs - This NebGuide discusses creep feeding for lambs making supplemental feed available only to nursing lambs.
Dealing With High Hay Prices - High hay prices are a major consideration for sheep producers. Unless one can find hay that is reasonable in price the only option in reducing hay cost is to feed less hay. Strategies to achieve this goal will be discussed.
Denhart's Feed and Mercantile - Source of feeds and show supplies located in Crawfordsville IN.
Determining Pasture Rental Rates - Describes method of leasing out or renting pasture based on animal unit months (AUMs).
Extending the Grazing Season - Feed costs represent the major cost in most livestock production systems. Providing grazable forage in a cost-effective manner to the animal for as many days of the year as possible should be the goal of the grazing manager.
Feed Composition for Cattle and Sheep (PDF) - Nutrition research spanning more than 100 years has defined the nutrients required by animals. Using this information rations can be formulated from feeds and ingredients to meet these requirements. Animals fed these rations should not only remain health
Feed Hay First - Discussion of when hay should be fed in relation to when the grain ration is fed and why the order is important.
Feed Inventory Aid to Management (PDF) - A simple feed inventory can be a valuable management tool when planning your livestock feeding program for the upcoming year.
Feeding Ewes(PDF) - Needs options budgeting.
Feeding Guides for Ewes - Feeding directions throughout the production cycle.
Feeding Lambs from Weaning to Market - If lambs are weaned in a proper manner and are eating well then the adjustment from preweaning to postweaning should go very smoothly.
Feeding Livestock During Cold Weather - Rule of thumb for cold weather climates.
Feeding Sheep Corn Silage - Nutrient value and guidelines that should be followed when incorporating corn silage in ewe and lamb diets.
Feeding the Ewe Flock - What and how much should I feed my sheep? That is a question that is asked quite regularly. The correct answer is: it depends.
Feeding the Lamb Crop - There are a number of ways to grow and finish lambs. The type of feeding program will depend in large part on what area of the country one is located what type of production system is utilized what the marketing options are and of course what feed resourc
Forage and Feed Analysis - "How to" instructions from deciding which feed to sample how to collect the sample and which tests to order.
Forage and Rotational Grazing Links - Extensive list of publications for those establishing and/or managing pasture or forage.
Formulating Rations With the Pearson's Square (PDF) - The Pearson square or box method of balancing rations is a simple procedure that has been used for many years. It is of greatest value when only two ingredients are to be mixed.
Grain for Sheep - Short discussion regarding the risks of copper toxicity encountered when using grain rations not prepared specifically for sheep.
Grazing Management: Principles and Techniques - One of the critical decisions facing livestock producers in Illinois is how to best utilize the forage resources on their farm.
Hay List Network - This site developed with the cooperation of the Michigan Hay and Grazing Council Michigan Farm Bureau and Michigan State University Extension enables online hay buying and selling.
Improving Pastures by Renovation - One of the best ways to improve both forage yields and animal performance on low-producing grass pastures is to periodically renovate them.
Indiana Toxic Plants - This website contains plants within Indiana that are deemed poisonous to livestock and pets by the collaborators at Purdue University.
Ionophores and Feed Additives - This article and presentation does not attempt to quantify absolutely the current additive list available for sheep. Rather it generally describes type and overall impact for the sheep producer
Lamb Feedlot Nutrition (PDF) - Meeting protein energy vitamin and mineral requirements is essential for profitable lamb finishing. This publication will help you start your lambs on feed and to develop an effective feeding plan.
Mineral Nutrition in Sheep - Solid information to help shepherds prepare properly balanced diets for maximum returns.
Nutritional Effects on Sheep Health - Prevention and treatment of diseases commonly associated with nutritional imbalances.
Pasture Management - Land management consultant working out of Absarokee Mont. provides information about regenerating and fencing your land.
Plants Poisonous to Livestock - This bulletin identifies many of the plants poisonous to livestock in Minnesota. It describes their appearance where they grow the parts of the plant that are poisonous when they are most poisonous poisoning symptoms and names of the toxic compounds prese
Protein in Sheep and Lamb Diets - Tips to manage protein feeding effectively.
Purdue University's Forage Information Web Site - This site contains information on forages for the Midwestern U.S. It contains a section on forage plant identification complete with photos.
Rearing of Lambs on Milk Replacer Diets - Options and equipment necessary for feeding orphan lambs.
Salt & Trace Minerals in Animal Nutrition and Agriculture - Information about salt supplementation as part of a nutritionally balanced diet for animals and as a delivery mechanism to ensure adequate intake of less palatable nutrients from the Salt Institute.
Selecting Species and Varieties for Pasture - Illinois has the climate and soil that allows the use of most forage species presently available for humid temperature regions of the United States. The landscape is dominated by cool season grasses and legumes and their mixtures. The major grasses would
Strategies for Feeding the Ewe Flock - Provides information on various feedstuffs for sheep. Includes information on nutrient requirements of the ewe mineral deficiencies and toxicities and how to reduce the cost of feeding ewes. For sheep producers veterinarians feed industry personnel and ot
Strategies for Feeding the Ewe Flock - Topics include: aspects to consider and problems likely to be encountered useful feed consumption data characteristics of feedstuffs pastures mineral deficiencies and toxicities and feeding the ewe.
Stretching Hay Supplies - Producers can stretch their hay supply and not significantly lower production by utilizing some proven management techniques.
Supplemental Pastures for Sheep - Efficient and effective ways to pasture sheep are covered here. Notes on specific plants.
Testing Livestock Feeds For Beef Cattle Dairy Cattle Sheep and Horses G89-915-A (Revised April 1997) - This NebGuide provides tips on how to determine feeds you should analyze and nutrients to measure. It tells how to interpret the results of feed analysis.
The Basics of Feeding Sheep - This article covers the basics of sheep nutrition.
Urea and NPN for Cattle and Sheep (PDF) - Urea can be fed to ruminants as an economical replacement for a part of the protein in a ration.
Use of Alfalfa Pasture for Finishing Lambs - Results of the second year of a trial conducted to investigate finishing lambs by grazing on alfalfa.
Whole Grain in Lamb Rations - Advantages of using whole grain versus pelleted or mash feeds.