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Fats Oils Fatty Acids Links

Cod Liver Oil Supplementation - ProVet healthcare information article on whether cod liver oil supplementation for dogs and cats and the danger of vitamin A toxicity.
Diet and the Skin - Pet Nutrition Corner Wendy C. Brooks DVM DABVP. Article on using omega-3 fatty acids to support healthy skin.
Fats - ProVet pet healthcare information article on the importance of fats in the canine and feline diets.
Fats Pets and Health - Pets First article by David Dyble B.Sc. M.Sc. P.Ag. Nutritionist on the role of fats and fatty acids in the canine and feline diets.
Fatty Acids and Diet - Article by Dr. T. J. Dunn about essential fatty acids their structures and how they are best used as food supplements for dogs and cats.
What Calorie/Fat Terms on a Pet Food Label Mean - The Iams Company information article on the difference between light lean and reduced calorie pet foods.