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Vitamins and Minerals Links

Arsenic - ProVet healthcare article on the benefits of feeding arsenic to animals.
Cleft palate and Vitamin A - ProVet healthcare information article on high vitamin A supplementation during pregnancy predisposing to cleft palate in puppies and kittens.
Cleft Palate and Vitamin or Fish Oil Supplements - Article on how too much vitamin A given to pregnant bitches and queens can cause cleft palate in their puppies and kittens.
Do Our Pets Need Vitamins? - Discussion of the water soluble and fat soluble vitamins and how they apply to pet nutrition.
Lutein - ProVet healtcare information article on lutein in companion animal nutrition.
Niacin - ProVet healthcare information article on the role on niacin in pets.
Rickets - ProVet healthcare information article explaining what rickets is.
Silicon - Provet healthcare information article on silicon as an important trace mineral for animals.
Sodium in Pet Foods - Iams Company article on what sodium is and why it is important sources of sodium in pet foods howmuch sodium pets need and when sodium restriction might be recommended.
Sodium--the victim of erroneous perception. - The role of sodium in the pet diet and common misconceptions.
Vitamin A - ProVet healthcare article discussing exesses and deficiencies of Vitamin A in the animal diet.
Vitamin B Complex in Renal Failure - ProVet pet healthcare information article reviewing the importance of the B vitamins in kidney failure.
Vitamin E - ProVet healthcare information article on vitamin E as an essential component of every pet's diet.