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Pets and Animal Resources Issues - Environment - Conservation and Endangered Species links

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Conservation and Endangered Species: Activism resources Activism (3)Conservation and Endangered Species: Ecosystems and Habitats resources Ecosystems and Habitats (45)Conservation and Endangered Species: Education resources Education (3)
Conservation and Endangered Species: Organizations resources Organizations (16)Conservation and Endangered Species: Regional resources Regional (287)Conservation and Endangered Species: Species Loss resources Species Loss (2)
Conservation and Endangered Species: Sustainable Use resources Sustainable Use (10)Conservation and Endangered Species: Trade in Wildlife and Plants resources Trade in Wildlife and Plants (26)

Conservation and Endangered Species Links

Art for the Animals - USA donor scheme; channels funds from gifts to wildlife wildlife organizations.
Asian Conservation Awareness Programme - An international campaign to reduce demand for endangered species products.
Bagheera Endangered Species - An educational web site about animals vanishing from the Earth.
Biological Diversity - Special issue of Our Planet magazine focussing on biodiversity.
Conservation and Consumption - Explores the tension between our conservation and consumption of natural resources.
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund - An initiative for key investments in biodiversity conservation based on the common vision that economic prosperity and conservation are linked.
EarthPulse - An initiative launched by the National Geographic Society to raise awareness about pressing global conservation issues.
Ecology Communications - A source of global environmental issues scientific research project coverage gardening tips for backyard ecologists coverage of current topics.
Endangered Earth - A web site which promotes the plight of endangered animals around the world.
Endangered Species - Endangered species factors helping and hindering their survival.
Endangered Species 2000 - Educating about the importance of preserving endangered species of the next millennium
Endangered Species at EELink - Links to Internet resources about endangered species.
Endangered Species Resource Center - A great place for student and teacher alike to find information on endangered species anywhere in the world.
FAQ - WWF International - This searchable archive of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and environment-related FAQs presents answers to common queries and links to sources of detailed information.
Fiona's Animal Page - Photos and information on endangered species and already extinct animals.
Global Issues - Biodiversity - An overview of environmental issues threatening biodiversity focussing on political causes and climate change.
Investing In Nature - Conservation projects funded by a financial services business working with Botanic Gardens Conservation International Earthwatch and WWF.
Keep The Wild Alive - Supports endangered species protection through education creating public awareness implementing and encouraging innovative conservation efforts to save species and habitats.
Nature and Wildlife Encylopaedia - Personal site about endangered wild animals.
PERC: Public Lands Reports - Research papers opinion editorials briefs and other documents about forest and park management mixed use and recreational fees; primarily argues for greater private sector involvement in conservation and management of public lands.
Preserving Our Vanishing Wildlife - A feature on wildlife conservation including threatened endangered plants and animals and the impact of conservation.
The Arkgallery - Amateur photographs taken at Jersey Zoo headquarters of the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
Wildlife Gifts and Preservation - Ring of sites promoting Gifts information education safety or preservation of wildlife and endangered species and conservation of their habitat.
World Wide Fund for Nature | Species Programme - Conservation project news factsheets and status reports of threatened species such as great apes rhinos whales and tigers.