Additional Helpful Online Resources
Pets and Animal Resources Issues - Environment - Conservation and Endangered Species - Regional - North America - Canada - British Columbia links
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British Columbia Links
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - British Columbia Chapter - A non-profit membership-based conservation organization devoted exclusively to protecting Canada's wilderness.
Friends of the South Slopes Society - FOSS is a charitable organization is dedicated to preserving the environmental integrity of the south slopes of Kelowna. Provides news events and contact information.
Laskeek Bay Conservation Society - A grass-roots non-profit organization dedicated to conservation education and advocacy in marine and forest environments. Based in Queen Charlotte.
Sierra Club of British Columbia - The Sierra Club of BC is an environmental non-profit organization registered in Canada dedicated to protecting B.C.'s wildland and wildlife particularly the ancient temperate rainforest ecosystems. We serve as an environmental watchdog and work together |
The BC Fish Farm Industry - Information about the aqua-culture fish farming industry and environmental threats to British Columbia.