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Pets and Animal Resources Issues - Environment - Organizations - Regional - North America - United States links
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United States Links
20/20 Vision for Peace and the Environment - Peace and environmental activism from global warming to disarmament. Provide information resources and actions to empower citizens to lobby Congress on the environment arms control pollution human rights and conservation.
Adirondack Council Home Page - Provides information news and resources on Adirondack Park conservation issues. Includes information on how to fight acid rain by purchasing a Clean Air Certificate.
America's Environment At Risk - Details current threats to America's environment the powerful interests behind those threats and describes common-sense solutions to protect the environment. PIRG project for on line activism to send a message to congress.
Americans for Our Heritage and Recreation - AHR works to protect open spaces and the outdoors through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).
Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDL) - Information on campaigns to raise public awareness against environmentally damaging projects and proposals throughout the southeast including landfill expansion corporate hog farms four-lane highways and clearcut logging in national forests.
Center for Environmental Education and Information - CEEI provides a report of all the polluted streams in the United states including all the Clean Water Act 303(d) lists and documentation.
Composting Council of Oregon - CCO is a membership organization dedicated to the support and promotion of all aspects of organics recycling.
Constitutional Law Foundation - Seeks to advance environmental law issues intergenerational ethics and the concern for posterity stated in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution. Provides articles and documents related to the U.S. Constitution and environmental protection.
Earth Share - Manages workplace giving campaigns for its national environmental charities just as the United Way raises funds for its health and human service charities. Provide news resources and campaign information.
Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund - Protects people wildlife and natural resources by providing free legal representation to citizen groups to enforce environmental laws in the USA.
Environmental Defense - Links science economics and law to create innovative equitable and cost-effective solutions to the most urgent environmental problems. Provides information news and resources on many environmental issues.
Environmental Investigation Agency - Branch of the EIA an independent international organization committed to investigating and exposing environmental crimes around the world. Provides information and news on wildlife conservation and other environmental issues.
Environmental Working Group - Washington D.C.-based nonprofit with a focus on drinking water pesticides air pollution and other environmental topics.
Florida Oceanographic Coastal Center - Dedicated to protecting preserving and restoring Florida's ocean and coastal ecosystems through education research and personal stewardship.
Friends of Hudson - Hudson River Valley public interest group focused on protecting air and water quality and promoting sound land use planning with a speciality in the cement and hazardous waste industries.
Friends of the Earth US - FOE is a national environmental organization dedicated to preserving the health and diversity of the planet for future generations. Provide information on campaigns and issues.
Global Impact Environmental - Provide information on many projects planned on local and global issues.
GRACE Public Fund - Provides information in support of initiatives to safeguard the health of the earth's inhabitants and preserve the future of the planet. Projects include factory farms nuclear abolition environment and public health.
GREEN - Grassroots Environmental Effectiveness Network - Working with grassroots activists to strengthen wildlife and public lands protections. Provide information on campaigns focusing primarily on national legislation but also assisting with state laws and programs.
Hikers for Clean Air - Provides news and resources to promote public awareness and support in the nation's hiking community for legislation and regulatory initiatives to significantly reduce air pollutants.
Institute for Southern Studies - Non-profit research center working to bring lasting social and economic change. Provide information news and available reports and newsletter on many issues including environment jobs farm workers and civil rights.
Izaak Walton League of America - Dedicated to protecting our nation's soil air woods waters and wildlife. Details conservation programs membership and publications.
Keep Rockland Beautiful Inc New York - Information about helping communities improve quality of life through litter prevention and beautification. It describes programs in education litter law enforcement and cleanup.
Merck Family Fund - Private family foundation that awards grants to non-profit organizations in the United States that work to protect the natural environment. Details on programs internships and grant guidlines.
National Forest Protection Alliance - Desire for an end to the corporate and commercial exploitation of public lands and an end to all commercial logging. Provides reports newsletter and donation information.
National Opossum Society - Work to improve management and handling of opossums in the environment Provides information about all aspects of the proper care of opossums.
National Parks and Conservation Association - Site provides information on US national parks and campaigns to protect these natural historic and cultural treasures.
National Tree Trust - Promote public awareness of trees and their benefits provide grants and unite civic and corporate institutions in support of local tree planting. Provides program descriptions and membership information.
Native Forest Council - Provide news and resources for the protection of publicly owned lands from logging mining grazing drilling and off-road vehicles.
Network of Waste Activists Stopping Trash Exports - NO WASTE are Michigan environmentalists who advocate and educate people about the problems with solid waste imports and exports. Provide news and information to promote sensible waste management and recycling in the US.
Next Step - Provides resources and networking for Minnesota and elsewhere on many environmental and sustainable future topics.
Northeast Rural Water Association - A nonprofit association of water and wastewater systems in Massachusetts New Hampshire and Vermont. Offers training onsite technical assistance and source water protection services.
NRDC - Environmental Legislation - Extensive information on environmental legislation from the Natural Resources Defense Council. Includes "Legislative watch" a bi-weekly email bulletin that tracks environmental bills moving through Congress.
Old Growth Tree Preservation Act 2002 - an initiative currently under review in the Attorney General's office prior to circulation. Calls for the preservation of old growth trees and stands on non-federally owned forest lands in the State of California.
Opossum Society of the United States - OSUS is a non-profit wildlife rehabilitation organization dedicated to the care of orphaned and injured opossums. Provides information and resources.
Pacoima Beautiful - Provides information about the organizations programs staff Board of Directors mission funding and contact information.
Population-Environment Balance - A national non-profit membership organization dedicated to maintaining the quality of life in the United States through population stabilization.
Public Interest Research Groups (PIRG) - State based consumer and environmental advocacy groups active across the country. Features action alerts and reports on many environmental consumer and student issues.
Public Research Works - Educates the public on the need to reduce the negative environmental impact of human activity. Provides report that identified the 100 companies that emit the most air pollution through the Grandfather Loophole in the Texas Clean Air Act.
Rio Colorado Reclamation Committee - A community based organization dedicated to the reclamation of the Molycorp mine and the restoration of the Red River in northern New Mexico.
Riverkeeper - National environmental group based in the Hudson Valley with a focus on protecting U.S. rivers. Provides information history news and resources.
Save America's Forests - Nationwide campaign to pass historic federal law to ban clear cutting end logging of Ancient Forests and protect natural forest ecosystems. Provide information news resources and actions.
Save the Gunks - Dedicated to trying to save the Shawangunk mountains in New York from development. Includes schedule details about the development plans and ways to help.
Southeastern Windstar Connection - To inspire individuals to make responsible choices and take direct actions to achieve a peaceful and environmentally sustainable future.
Sweetgrass Hills Protection Association - Information about the pollution of gold mining from a Montana group trying to protect these hills rich with wildlife and sacred to many Indian groups.
Tamalpais Conversation Club - Their mission is to preserve and protect Mount Tamalpais in California. Includes club history trail information news events and membership application.
The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund - Provides free and legal services to community-based groups and local governments working to protect their quality of life and natural environment.
The Nebraska Environmental Trust: Preserving Natural Nebraska for future generations. - The Nebraska Environmental Trust uses a combination of lottery proceeds and private donations to fund environmental work across Nebraska.
The Wilderness Society - Dedicated to preserving America's wilderness through action and public education.
Transform the Earth Foundation - A non-profit environmental concern focused on education through national writing contests and other educational opportunities.