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Canaries Links

A Place For Canaries - Tales information on caring for understanding taming and breeding canaries photos links webrings message board and a canary cam. - Offers many pictures of their Gloster Crested/Crestbred canaries.
Border Canaries - A personal web-site by UK fancier Darren Waterhouse on the Border Canary covering history management exhibition and breeding of this variety.
Bowers Glosters Canaries - Breeder of champion Gloster canaries offers some pictures and list of offspring available. Located in Oakley California.
Canaries By George - Breeder of American Singer and red factor canaries with information and pictures. Located in North Carolina.
Canaries R Us - Commercial aviary based in the Pacific North West USA which offers Glosters New Colour canaries and other varieties for sale to pet-owners or fanciers.
Canary Classics - History and development of canaries from the 16th century to the present. Sections on: Border Yorkshire Norwich Lizard Fife canary as well as: management seeds wild plants bird art history.
Canary Lover's Home Page - A personal home page with photos of several canary varieties.
Canary Lovers' Web Ring - A network linking websites of canary owners exhibitors and breeders.
Canary Tales - An excellent site for practical advice and management by Linda Hogan whose book 'The Canary Tales' is a modern classic. Offers advice on nutrition genetics health breeding tips.
Columbus Fancy Canary - Photos and information on the development of this American 'type' canary from Columbus Ohio. Information on membership of the International Columbus Fancy Association.
Curtis's Canaries - Commercial site offering birds food and equipment.
Danesfort Aviaries Irish Fancy Canary & British Birds - Offers information about the Irish Fancy Canary Club and British Birds Club a gallery articles and show results.
Fife Canaries by Terry Kelly - Offers tips on class breeding rearing showing and feeding.
Fife Fancy Canary - Devoted to the Fife Fancy canary with photographs and tips on breeding and management by German fancier Frank Parakenings.
House of Crests - Homepage of Don Perez a noted American breeder and exhibitor of Gloster canaries.
NCR Aviaries - Offers information on many different coloured type singing and hybrid breeds along with society green singing and gouldian finches.
Suncoast Canaries - Commercial aviary offering gloster waterslager and color-fed canaries for sale.
Toronto Canaries - Featuring information on how to breed healthy pet canaries along with a large collection of canary pictures clips of canary singings as well as tips on where to purchase canaries.
Yorkshire Canary - Contain photos history and information on the ideal model and management.