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Song Links

A Bird in the Hand - Waterslager and Timbrado breeder in San Francisco California. Includes photos articles and links to audio files.
A Song in the Air - Website for Jennifer's Canaries song canary breeder near Salt Lake City Utah. Includes closeup photos and a video of candling eggs.
American Singer Canaries - Breeder and exhibitor of registered American Singer canaries located in SE Michigan. Site offers photographs articles tips and links.
American Singer Canaries - American Singer canary breeder near Pensacola Florida.
Camiloft Aviaries - Waterslager breeder in South Florida. Also sells triple breeding cages Waterslager song training cages plastic song cabinets and Spilulina.
Canaries by Bob and Judie McGuire - Prescott Valley Arizona breeders of American Singers Rollers and Waterslagers.
Canary Row Aviary - Belgian Waterslager breeder offering care tips breeder directory and shipping details. Located in Sarasota Florida.
CanaryArt's Roller Canaries - Information for the roller canary enthusiast including clubs shows books breeding care and feeding.
Charlie's Song Birds Homepage - Devoted to finches colorbred canaries and German Roller canaries.
Davids Singing Canaries - Breeder of Spanish Timbrado Canaries. Contains information about color type and song canaries tips for breeding and canary accessories. Member of the American Association of Spanish Timbrado Breeders.
Ginger's Song Canaries - American Singer breeder in Sunnyvale California links to articles.
Mike and Nancy's Waterslager Canaries - Waterslager breeders in Alberta Canada. Site has stories pictures and sound files.
New Song Canaries - Breeder of Red Factor and American Singer canaries. Located in Ohio.
R. Saruhan's Waterslagers - Turkish site with basic information about the Waterslager canary. Also in German French and English.
Ralph's Waterslager Canaries - Waterslager site with photos and articles. Has links to recordings that can be ordered.
Rich's Roller Canaries - German Roller breeder and exhibitor in Cleveland Ohio.
Russian Canaries - Has information on the history care breeding song training and judging of the Russian Singer breed of canary. Includes a WAV file with a song example.
Russian Canary - Article photos and song example of the Russian Singer by a breeder in Canada.
Russian Canary - Breeder of Russian Canaries. Site includes a song file and contact information.
Song Breed Canaries Resource Page - Information photos and song samples of various song breeds including the rare Russian Singer. Links to chat groups devoted to the breeds.
Song Type Canaries - Information and links primarily about the German Roller but also the Belgian Waterslager and Spanish Timbrado. Message boards for all types of canaries.
Spanish Timbrado Canaries - Spanish Timbrado Canaries Spanish site but has English pages too. Has Real Player file links to ST info.
SummerSong Aviary - Master breeder who won 10 best-in-shows sells American Singers and other breeds of canaries. Located in Colorado Springs Colorado. Web site contains song samples and original articles about lighting for canaries.
The Canary's Nest - Canary breeder in Virginia Beach VA. Has red-factors as well as several song breeds. Site has links to articles and Timbrado song sample.
The Hartz Roller Canary of Germany - History keeping breeding song literature and links. Available in German and English.
Virginia Belmont's Recordings - Singing and talking birds including song canaries recorded from old radio and TV shows RealAudio files.
Waterslagers or Malinois Canaries - Breeder in Athens Greece. Site has contact information and guestbook.