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Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Cats - Breeds - Cornish Rex - Catteries links

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Catteries Links

Mesquita - Dutch breeder
Aldebaran - Photographs and information from a New York City breeder.
AngelWaves - Includes photographs and only email contact information.
Bellarina - Photographs from an Oklahoma breeder.
Cattery Row's Cornish Rex Breeder Listing - Addresses and contacts provided.
Chaterie Catsaisons - Cornish Rex and Sphynx breeders. Available in English and French.
Classytouch - Missouri breeder also working with Peterbald and Sphynx cats.
Coslinkar - Australian breeders also working with Siamese .
Cowboy Claws - Photos from this Texas breeder. Also works with Peterbalds.
De's Cornex - Photographs and information.
Elusions and Rextinue - Breeders located in Houston. Photographs breed information.
FIN*Alchemist - Located in Finland. Photographs and information about their cats.
Furlesque - Photographs from this Minnesota breeder.
FurryDance - Breeder located in Virginia
Haus of Maus - Photos cattery information links kitten and contract information from this breeder in Connecticut.
Isan - Located in north Israel and raising Cornish Rex British Shorthairs Somalis and Persians. Photos cattery and kitten information and considerations on owning a cat.
Lanyap - Breeder located in Louisiana. Photographs breed and cargiving information articles on declawing and allergies.
Monarch - Photos from a breeder also working with Devon Rex.
Quails Nest - Central California breeder also working with Sphynx and Devon Rex.
Roseric - Located in Glen Burnie Maryland. Photos of their cats and of the cats they've placed cattery information breed background genetic information and history links to additional information and breeders.
Tribetta - Many photos of the cats information about available kittens and retired cats.
Ultrarex - Kittens for sale and breed information.
Voyager - Breeder located in the Netherlands site in Dutch and English. Cattery history and information photographs links.