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Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Cats - Breeds - Persian - Catteries - Europe links
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France (6) | Germany (9) | Italy (9) |
Norway (5) | Sweden (13) | United Kingdom (35) |
Europe Links
Af Edal Loga - Located in Iceland's capital and specializing in goldens and silver.
Allegria - Belgain breeder working with parti--colours harlequin and bicolors. PKD-tested cattery.
Alley Cat - Belgain breeder specializing in solids and silvers; also works with Exotics.
Alpha Centauri - Croatian breeder working with chinchillas solids and silver-shadeds. Photographs. Site in Croat and English.
Azares - A Spanish breeder working with US-lines. Site is in Spanish and English.
Cats Castle - A Russian breeder also working with American Shorthairs.
Commodore - Dutch breeder specializing in solids tabbies and bi-colors. CFA registered.
Cornucopia - Breeder located in Spain. Site is in Spanish and English.
Dega-Bula - Dutch breeder working with solids and tabbies and Exotics.
Delta Pelegrino - Located in Opunzen Croatia and specializing in smokes and solids.
Fare Niente - Located in Portugal. Specializing in solids and smokes. Photographs and pedigrees.
Fluffygrape - Dutch breeder specializing in silvers and tabbies. PKD tested.
Hanylou - Located in Portugal. Photographs and pedigrees.
Hellowien and Viennasky - Located in Vienna Austria. Specializing in bi-colors tabbies tabby and white. Photographs and pedigrees.
Henrietan - Located in Finland. Registered in CFA and FIFe. Specializing in bi-colors and solids.
Honeybliss - History of the cattery photos of the cats links to additional information from this breeder in Malta
J&B - Located in Belgium and specializing in solids and bi-colors; also works with Exotics. Testing for PKD.
Kegawa - Danish breeder working with bi-colors and vans.
Kortenhoefertje - Photos and contact information from this Dutch breeder who also works with Exotics.
L'amour de la vie - Dutch breeder also working with Exotics. Site in English and Dutch. Photographs.
Las Muñecas - A Spanish cattery breeding Persians Exotics and British Shorthairs. Site is in English and Spanish.
Leadylion - Latvian breeder also working with Exotics. Photographs.
Lesami - Danish breeder working with pointeds and solids; also works with Exotics. PKD tested. FIFe and CFA registered. Pictures and pedigrees.
Lisa-Light - Located in Moscow and specializing in white dilutes bi-colors and smokes. Pictures and pedigrees.
Meihua - A Spanish breeder specializing in whites solids and parti-colors.
MiArte Persians - Small cattery located in Portugal and specializing in vans and bicolors.
Miwian - Located in Finland and specializing in solids and bi-colors. CFA and FIFe registered.
Murphy House - Located in Belgium. Also works with Exotics. Photographs and cattery information.
Nattaja - Lativian breeder working silver tabbies bi-colors and also Himalayians. Photographs and pedigrees.
Paradies - Romanian breeder CFA registered. Links to tips on selecting a kitten and grooming.
Petovia - Located in Slovenia CFA and FIFe registered. Established in 1986 and specializing in smokes and cameoes. PKD tested.
Planika - Located in Slovenia and specializes in smokes and cameos. Site available in Slovak and English. Photographs cattery information links. CFA reg.
Prestiga - CFA registered Russian breeder specializing in solids and tabbies; also Exotics. Pictures and pedigrees. Will export.
Ratanja - Dutch breeder also working with Exotics
Razzamatazzl - Located in Antwerp and breeding silvers exclusively. CFA registered. PKD tested.
Ritmo de Alisa - Latvian breeder. Photographs pedigrees cattery information.
San-Fe - Latvian breeder specializing in bi-colors solids and tabbies; also Exotics. PKD negative. CFA and FIFe registered.
Sansy - Moscow breeder specializing in tabbies bi-colors and solids; also works with Exotics.
Sha'Aru - Located in northern Spain. Specializes in breeding chinchilla silvers and goldens.
Vinderoed and Von Asserbo - Located in Denmark. FIFE & CFA registered. Photographs and pedigress of their solids and bicolours.
Woodheaven Persians - Located in Belgrade FIFe registered pkd tested. Photos of their cats information on kitten availability.
Xantano - Located in the Netherlands and breeding bi-colors and Exotics.