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Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Cats - Breeds - Persian - Catteries - Europe - United Kingdom links
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United Kingdom Links
Algernon - Photographs and cattery history from this Lancanshire-area breeder.
Antalya - Located in UK and breeding bi-colors and solids.
Ashaneeka - Breeder based in Surrey also working with Himalayans. Producing most colours including chocolate series. Photographs and information
Avomlie - Photos from this Somerset breeder.
Barleyfields - Also works with Exotics. Photographs and cattery information.
Blondbella - Located in Yorkshire and specializing in Himalayans and solids and Exotics. GCCF registered.
Bracie - Also works with Exotics. Photographs pedigree and cattery information.
Caszan - Located in England and breeding silvers solids and Himalayans. Also works with Exotics.
Cloverhill - Breeder located in Manchester . Photographs and pedigrees.
Countrygirl - Located in Shropshire and specializing in solids and bi-colors. Also works with Exotics. PKD negative. Registered with Fife and GCCF.
Deebees - Located in Cornwall. Photographs pedigrees caregiving information.
DensPurr - Portsmouth UK GCCF registered breeder also working with Himalayans. Photographs.
Finchfield - Located in Shawell. PKD negative cattery. Specializing in solids and bicolors. Also works with Exotics. Pictures and pedigrees.
Gemkin - Located in North Wales UK and specializing in bi-colors and solids including white. GCCF registered.
Hadfield - Located in UK near Darlington. Wide variety of colors including lynx-points. Also works with Exotics and Himalayans. CFA and GCCF registered.
Jacris - Photographs from a Yorkshire breeder.
Joiedevivre - Photographs of their solids and bi-colours.
KatyKaye - Photographs from this breeder working with bi-colors.
Khabaqui - Located in West Gloucestershire and specializing in solids and Exotics including chocolate and lilac. GCCF and CA registered.
Khanate - Small cattery specializing in solids. Includes available kittens show news and links.
Khatynka - Photos and contact information from this breeder who also works with Exotics.
Kimdale - Located in County Durham and specializing in solids and bi-colors also works with Devon Rex. GCCF registered. Also breeding Devon Rex.
Kissipurr - Located in Yorkshire. Photographs.
Kriseskriter - A Lancashire cattery breedering solids.
Monella - Specializing in bi-colors and solids. Cattery of Excellence. CFA registered.
Morninglory - Located in the UK and specializing in solids including color-bred blues.
Mystere - Essex breeder working with most colours including chocolatelilac and tabby. PKD negative. Registered with GCCF and FIFe. Photographs of their cats and cattery.
Noradawn - Located in Manchester UK. Specializing in Himalayans and solids. PKD tested. CFA and GCCF registered.
Pannonius - Small English cattery specializing in smoke cameos and solids.
Pizzacata - Located in South Wales and breeding solids and bi-colors. CFA registered.
Riascatz - Based in London; PKD tested. Photographs and some pedigrees.
Shou - Located in Cornwall. Photographs cattery information.
Tracylooe - A Cornwall breeder also working with Exotics specialising in chocolates and lilacs.
Tradory - Located in Hampshire. Specializing in solids and Himalayans.
Tremarie - A small cattery located in the UK specializing in bi-colors and Himalayans.