Additional Helpful Online Resources
Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Cats - Breeds - Scottish Fold - Catteries links
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Catteries Links
Amber Snow - Photographs and information from this South Carolina breeder.
C-Gemz - Texas breeder offers photos and breed information.
Cats of Oz - California home breeder of TICA CFA and ACA kittens.
Cattery Row's Scottish Fold Breeder Listing - Addresses and contacts provided.
Crosshill - Photographs of the cats and a listing of their wins and kitten information from this Canadian breeder.
Danlowe - Pennsylvania breeder working with the shorthair varient.
DarleRamos - Maryland breeder of shorthair and longhair Scottish Folds.
Dragonhill - A small Hong Kong also working with Highland Folds.
Earmark - Arizona breeder working with both long and shorthair varients. Photographs breed and adoption information.
Foldilocks - South Florida breeder presents breed and judging information photographs.
Foldogenic - Photographs and information from this Utah breeder.
Gilly - Southern California breeder. Breed information and photographs.
Glory - Photographs from this Ukrainian breeder. Site in Russian and English.
Holyfold - Breeder located in Georgia. Overview of the cattery breed history and information photographs kitten information.
Jollycat - Russian breeder; site in English and Russian. Photographs cattery information.
Kerrileefolds - Ontario Canada breeder. Cattery and breeder history photographs and synopsis of their cats available cats.
Kittyfield - Georgia breeder offers breed and cattery information a definition of a breeder photographs
Kittyland - Breeder located in Australia.
Lil' BlueRose - New Hampshire breeder working with both long and shorthaired varients.
Linanci - Northern Florida breeder. Breed and adoption information links overview.
Magafold - A Washington working with both long and shorthaired varieties.
Oasis - A New Zealand breeder also working with Birmans and Turkish Vans.
Penfold - Michigan cattery raising underfoot kittens.
Purrfect Folds - Arkansas breeder. Photographs breed and cattery information kitten care guide.
Silver Nuggettes - Photographs and breed information.
Starrpaws - Breed and cattery information
Sunny City - Russian breeder also working with British Shorthairs.
Tay's Cherry Moon - Flemish alsow working with British Shorthairs. Site is in French and English.
Urquhart - Florida cattery with kittens breed information and Scottish Fold links.
Valafold - Michigan breeder offers photographs and links.
Van de Populierendreef - A Belgian cattery with Scottish Folds and Scottish Straights.