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Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Cats - Breeds - Siberian - Catteries links
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Catteries Links
Alekseij and Meedermews - Two hobby breeders in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Almaz - Breeder located in Tokyo; site in English and Japanese. Photographs cattery information.
Amante - Small home-based cattery in Helsinki Finland. Site is in English and Finnish.
Ashburn - Northern Virginia breeder. Cattery information faqs photographs breed information.
Avangard - Photographs and breed information from this Minnesota breeder.
Bemol - Photos and breed information from this breeder located in Poland. (site in English and Polish)
BirchGrove - Photographs from this Eugene Oregon breeder.
Captive Heart - Located in Cleveland OH. Photographs and some pedigree information.
Cattery Row's Siberian Breeder Listing - Addresses and contacts provided.
Charodey - Located in Denver CO. Photographs pedigrees breed information list of foreign and English names for cats.
Chimney House - Photographs and faqs from this Virginia breeder.
Croshka - A Georgia cattery with kittens and information on the breed.
Dauria - Photos and cattery history from this Moscow breeder.
Dikaya Krassa - Breeder located in St. Petersburg Russia. Site is in English and German.
du Palais d'Hiver - Breeder located in Germany. Site in German and English. Breed information photographs parentage.
Emerald Forest - Located in New Jersey. Photos cattery information FAQs.
Five Diamond - Photographs breed and cattery information and contract samples from this Pittsburgh breeder.
Gardengate - Photographs from this Wisconsin breeder.
IndigoMoon - Information about the breed cattery and frequently asked questions from this Arkansas breeder.
Iz Ermitage - German breeder's site. Site is in German and English.
Jaban - Photos and contact information.
Jorrah - Canadian breeder. Photographs and pedigrees.
Kender - Located in Arizona. Information about the breed and kitten availability; photos of their cats.
Kolokochik - Cattery information and photographs from an Arkansas breeder.
Koshechka - Photographs breed information and history.
Kravchenko - Breeder located in Florida.
Lomonossow - Small home-based German breeder. Site is in German and English.
Mianka - Southampton NY breeder also working with Ragdolls. Photos and cattery information.
Newriver - Photos and kitten availability from this North Carolina breeder.
O'Bravo - Photographs and pedigrees from this Georgia breeder also working with Ragdolls.
Onix Gloria - Siberian cattery located in Moscow Russia. Site is in English and Russian.
Purrshka - Photographs and information from a Canadian breeders.
Rossity - Photos and cattery information from this Moscow breeder.
Russia Imperial - Located in Switzerland near the Lake Leman and also working with Russian Blues. Information about the breed and their cats photos.
Shenandoah - Breed history photographs frequently asked questions contact information from this Michigan breeder.
Sibano - Illinois breeder presents photographs and information.
Sibaris - Located in Moscow Russia. The site is in Russian and English. Photos cattery and breed information.
Siberian Cats of Los Gatos California - Breeder located in Northern California.
Siberian Star - A Czech Republic breeder. Site is in English and Czech.
Sibirische Katzen von Ilyasmin - Breeder located near Heidelberg Germany. Site is in German and English.
Sibirische Katzen von der Gronau - English version of a German breeder's site.
Sibirishce Katzen vom Ohlenberg - Small German breeder. Site is in English and German.
Sibirskiy - Photographs and contact information.
Silk Mask - A breeder located in Russia. Site is in English and Russian.
Silkiestar - Photos from this UK breeder.
Snowknight - Photographs and breed information from this breeder located in Germany.
SoonerState - Breeder located in Oklahoma. Breed and cattery information photographs.
TBear - Breeder located in Northern California. Photographs and cattery history.
Valenvic - Moscow cattery.
Venera - Breeder located in Switzerland; site in English and German. Photographs breed information and history webcam.
Windrifter - A Northern Minnesota breeder.
WufnPur - Located in Pennsylvania. Photographs and breed information.