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Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Cats - Issues - Free-Roaming links

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Free-Roaming: Feral resources Feral (57)

Free-Roaming Links

American Bird Conservancy: Cats Indoors - A campaign to protect birds other wildlife and free-roaming cats. Teacher's guide posters and fact sheets covering topics such as laws managed cat colonies and how to make an outdoors cat happy indoors [PDF].
Animal Welfare: The Indoor/Outdoor Cats Debate - Explores the arguments for and against confining cats from an Australian perspective.
Animal Welfare: The Truth About Cats and Wildlife - Examines both sides of the Australian cats versus wildlife debate.
Animals Australia: Cats - Facts and Myths - Researcher Frankie Seymour examines claims about the impact of cats on the environment.
Australian Cats - A forewarning of the consequences of cat control. Includes links to related material and forum.
Bird Dog News: The Silent Wildlife Killer - Summary of a five-year University of Wisconsin study to determine the impact of free ranging domestic cats on rural wildlife.
Cat Fanciers: The Outside World - Extensive information about your cat and the outside world.
Cat Herding on the Military Range - Efforts by the military to deal with abandoned and feral cats on military bases. Humane control owners' responsibility with photographs.
Cat World: Cats in the Garden - Article by Penny Bydlinski offering alternative suggestions for allowing cats outside while keeping them on the property.
Cats of Rome - The story of the free-roaming cats of the Argentine Tower in Rome.
CNN: Australian Proposal would Wipe Wild Cats from Continent - John Raedler reports on the proposal designed to protect endangered species.
DDFL: Your Cat: Indoors Or Out - Reasons people allow their cats outdoors with comments and suggestions.
Dogs and Cats in the Urban Environment: Cat Issues - Includes an overview of cat issues cats - pets or pests predation and types of cats.
Gazette.Net: Let Them Out - Letter objecting to the Cats Inside program.
How to Turn a “Homeless” Cat into a Domestic Cat - Instructions on how to train an outdoor cat to be a domesticated indoor cat. The Great Australian Cat Dilemma - A history of the debate on cat control in Australia including perceived threats to wildlife and the ban of the Bengal breed.
My Fellows are Stray Cats - Videos of stray cats in Tokyo Japan.(Japanese language pack)
NY Daily News: Stray Cats? Drown 'em - Biologist Doug Little suggests holding stray cats heads under water for several minutes as a way of getting rid of unwanted animals.
Outdoor Cats - A photo exhibition and information about stray cats. Also in Japanese.(Japanese language pack)
Petnet: The Metropolitan Domestic Cat - This is a survey of the population characteristics and hunting behaviour of the domestic cat in Australia which was undertaken to address concern about the possible impact of cats on wildlife.
Petnet: Urban Animal Management Conference - Proceedings of the Australian conferences including cats' impact on wildlife unowned cat colonies and cat legislation.
Problem Behaviors in Cats - What to do about “outside” cats and other problem cat behavior.
The FWC and Feral Cats - Clarification of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's policy on feral and free-ranging cats on lands owned and managed by the commission.
The Pope and the Homeless Cats - Observations by Pope John Paul II about the plight of a homeless cat and her kittens.