Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Breeders and Kennels - Directories links

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Directories Links

Big Friendly Dogs - Searchable directory of breeders around the world and detailed information about six different breeds of big dogs including the St Bernard Newfoundland Tibetan Mastiff Leonberger Pyrenean Mountain Dog and the Bernese Mountain Dog.
BreederBase - Directory of breeders from around the world. Add your kennel. - Find purebred dog breeders clubs and rescue groups nearest you. - Over 150 breeds covered with regional and breeder contact information breed information and message boards. - Worldwide dog breeders directory. Find puppies for sale or post puppy wanted advertisements. - Lists breeders of purebred puppies plus dog shows clubs and professional handlers.
Dogs in Canada - Online version of the magazine with breeder listings and breed descriptions.
International Breeders Index - Listings of breeders from around the world. Our index makes it easy to find a quality breeder in your local area.
K-9 Breeders Referral List - Directory of breeders from all over the world. Searchable by breed and sorted by area.
PuppySites.Com - Dog breeders and links to related sites. - Hosts breeders sites and maintains links to hundreds others.