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Boerboel Links

African Boerboel - History breed standard photographs message board and links.
Boerboel Info - Information about the BB forum galery and much more
Boerboel South Africa - Information forums breeders and history.
Bouba our boerboel - Information about Bouba a South African Boerboel from Belgium. Information about the breed pictures which show the development of Bouba from puppy to adult dog links and a forum. In English.
Kalu's Picture Album - Pictures of Kalu at different ages.
Links and photo's of Boerboel Abel and Boerboel Lucy - Links and photo's of Boerboel Immer Moed Abel and Boerboel Marvell Lucy.
Molosserworld's Boerboel page - History standard fact sheet many pictures and links to other Boerboel websites. In English
Natt - Pedigree and pictures of Natt a Boerboel from Sweden. In English and Swedish.
Pitch's Home - Information about Pitch the Boerboel with photographs and links. In English and Dutch.
Select Reserve Boerboels - Meet Voortrekker Sarah a boerboel bitch. Her story blood line and pictures.
The Boerboel - Standard history articles message board photographs links and lists of associations clubs books and breeders. In English Dutch and South African.