Additional Helpful Online Resources
Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Molosser Group - Boxer - Breeders - North America - Canada links
Navigation: / Resources / Pets Dogs / Breeds / Molosser Group / Boxer / Breeders / North America / Canada
Canada Links
Bellcrest - Photographs of their dogs litter information and details of accomplishments. Corbeil Ontario.
Bolerame - Pictures pedigrees and kennel policies. Calgary Alberta.
Boyarka - Breeding show and obedience dogs. Photographs and show news. Calgary Alberta.
Camano - Photographs pedigrees and a biography of the breeder.
CanHar - Concentrating on showing obedience and companion dogs. Photographs and health information on their dogs. Red Deer Alberta.
Duncan - Photographs and news. Hubbards Nova Scotia.
Emberstouch - Photographs pedigrees and show news. Calgary Alberta.
Falconhurst - Pictures pedigrees list of achievements and breed standard. Edson Alberta.
Falkor - Photographs pedigrees and breed standard. Calgary Alberta.
HiTimes - Breed information pedigrees health information and pictures of their dogs. Calgary Alberta.
Jaegerhouse - Photographs litter information and details of their accomplishments. Stouffville Ontario.
Shadowdale - A small in home kennel in Ontario. Site includes health issues and breed information.
Tamgar - Show news photographs pedigrees and kennel history. Shawnigan Lake Vancouver Island British Columbia.
Tybrushe - Photographs show news litter announcements and rescue information. DeWinton Alberta.
Zaracon - Kennel history pictures and pedigrees of their dogs and litter announcements. Saskatchewan.