Additional Helpful Online Resources
Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Molosser Group - Cane Corso - Breeders links
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Breeders Links
Bioynic's Kennel - Photographs and kennel history. Holland.
Blueprint - Brief kennel history breed standards news photograph galleries and breeding plans. Kaiserslautern Germany.
Bravo Corso Kennel - Pedigrees photograph gallery show results and litter announcements. Moscow Russia.
Czech Kennels - Photographs news and articles. Czech Republic.
Itacor - Description of the breed and litter announcements. Kingswood New South Wales Australia.
Karabah - Breed history description and standard. Kennel background photographs list of awards and information on stud service. Hungary.
La Grazia Di Dio Cane Corso Italiano - News photographs information on socialization of their dogs litter announcements and a webcam. Heerlen Holland.
La Potenza e l'Amore - Breed standard photographs pedigrees show results and videos. The Netherlands.
Majoshaza Reme - Photographs breed standard and news. Hungary.
Timoniere - Kennel information photographs and litter announcements. Hungary.