Additional Helpful Online Resources
Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Molosser Group - Dogue De Bordeaux - Breeders links
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Breeders Links
Agramerbordog - Kennel history news and litter announcements. Croatia.
Allrouge - Breeder's history pictures pedigrees and awards. Utah.
Anbarees - Family run show kennel based in the United Kingdom. Kennel and breed history litter announcements and photographs.
Ataraxia - Photographs pedigrees and breed history. Australia.
B-J-H Kennel - Photographs and pedigrees. United Kingdom.
Bellarouge - Breeding dogs for the show ring and family companions. Kennel history photographs pedigrees and show results. New South Wales Australia.
Big Sky - Kennel history litter announcements and photographs. Thomson Georgia.
Blockheads - Breed history general breed information pictures kennel background and links. Netherlands.
Boldheart - Show news photographs and litter announcements. United Kingdom.
Bon Vitalis - Photographs profiles list of achievements tour albums art and wallpaper articles and links. Denmark.
Bordomania - Kennel history photograph gallery and breed standard and history. Croatia.
Bugene - Litter announcements photographs pedigrees and breed standard. United Kingdom.
Carnivorus Vulgaris - News photographs breeding plans pedigrees and memorials. Poland.
Charles River - Photographs litter announcements and news. Massachusetts.
Chienparadis - Breeding for type and temperament. Breed information and history kennel goals memorials and photographs. Australia.
DDBordeaux - Photographs documentation and links. Eastern Pennsylvania.
De Alan Vautre - Raising dogs to show. Photographs pedigrees show news litter announcements and the breed standard. Greece.
De la Maison de Hollande - Kennel information photographs show results profiles and links. Holland.
De Presareal - Pictures and descriptions of their dogs. Mexico. In English and Spanish.
Deauxrogue - Breed history photographs pedigrees and health information. Daylesford Victoria Australia.
Emberez - Raising show dogs. Photographs news and litter announcements. United Kingdom.
Garde d'Honneur du Monde Bordeauxdoggen - Photographs and pedigrees. Belgium.
Gingerize - Photographs news and breeding plans. Ipswich Suffolk United Kingdom.
HammerHead's - Litter announcements list of upcoming breedings and photographs. Ohio.
Homestead - A small kennel located on thirteen acres in Hemlock Michigan. Kennel history litter announcements and photographs.
Hot Diggity's - Photographs breed history and standard news and links.
Ilopillerin - Photographs pedigrees and show results. Finland.
Keystone Ranch Kennels - Photographs and kennel information. Welling Oklahoma.
Laraz - Kennel history photographs pedigrees forums and videos. United Kingdom.
Libertia - Family run show kennel in Ireland. Kennel history litter announcements and photographs.
Lilhurst - Litter announcements and photographs. United Kingdom.
Lion's Den - Photographs and pedigrees. Mililani Hawaii.
Lounatkarin - Show results pictures pedigrees litter announcements and memorials. Finland.
Madroelhoeve - Breeding plans photographs and pedigrees. The Netherlands.
Moloscyg - Raising show dogs. Photographs news and litter announcements. Australia.
Mt. Sinai Kennel - Breeding to improve the health of the breed. Health-tested puppies raised according to the Monks of New Skete method. Photographs and pedigrees. Kentucky.
Northland Bordeaux. - Photographs pedigrees litter announcements and show news. Illinois.
Novacastrian Kennels - Pedigrees litter announcements and pictures. Newcastle New South Wales Australia.
Oakview - Kennel information litter announcements and photographs. Victoria Australia.
Oze - Pictures pedigrees and litter announcements. Hungary.
Power of Demons Kennel - Photographs pedigrees and links. Budapest.
Red Rhino - Photographs pedigrees standard and links. United Kingdom.
Redgrit Kennels - Breeding imported champion lines. Photographs pedigrees and FCI breed standard. United Kingdom.
Runderkraal - Kennel history litter announcements and photographs. Queensland Australia.
The Vinyard Bordeauxs - Show results photographs natural and holistic health information and pedigrees. Michigan.
Thessaly Molossers - Kennel history photographs breed history and links. United Kingdom.
Van't Bulscampvelt - Photographs litter announcements and pedigrees. Belgium.
Von Haus Hestel - Photographs information and links. The Netherlands.
Von Krenz - Offers information on their dogs puppies and philosophies. Afton Minnesota.
Von Zykihof - Litter announcements pictures links and general information. Belgium.