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Breeders Links

Andvari Mastiffs and Cane Corsos - England. English mastiffs and Cane Corsos bred for typetemperament health and longevity. Also Cane Corso rare Italian Mastiff
Atlasdogs Mastiffs - Sweden. Pictures pedigrees breed history and books imports stud dogs.
Avalon Mastiffs - South Carolina. Philosophy history pictures links puppies available occasionally.
Bailiff Mastiffs - Indiana. Photographs pedigrees photo galleries (natural show and obedience) upcoming litters stud dog.
Bearhill Mastiffs - New Jersey. Photos planned breedings background showing companionship family stud dog.
Breton Mastiffs - Victoria Australia. Pictures pedigrees health awards links. Showing in Australia.
BrimstoneMastiffs - New York. Pictures pedigrees and health information.
Cabrico Mastiffs - British Columbia Canada. Pictures planned breedings puppies.
Caledonia Mastiffs - Tennessee. Mastiffs with a past producing puppies with a future. Planned breedings stud dogs visual pedigrees. History.
Calgar E Mastiffs - North Carolina. Philosophy pictures stud service planned breeding.
Cape Wind Mastiffs - Massachusetts. Pictures background pedigrees stud service puppies occasionally.
Castlehearth Mastiffs - British Columbia Canada. Photos pedigree stud service litters.
Castlemist Mastiffs - Massachusetts. Extensive information about health showing in breed and obedience as well as temperament certification.
Castletop Olde English Mastiffs - New York. Breeding to preserve classic breed type temperament health soundness longevity and overall balance.
Cato's Old English Mastiffs - North Texas area. Kennel and breed history care tips litter announcements and puppy photos.
Cavell Mastiffs - Wisconsin. Pictures. History puppies stud service.
Cedar Hill Farm - Canada. Show pictures. Planned breeding.
Cedar Ridge Mastiffs - Maryland. Stud service. Litters occasionally.
Cedar Sasquatch Mastiffs - Iowa. Breeding very occasional litters from health tested parents not kennel dogs.
Cedarhollow Mastiffs - Washington. Pictures showing links puppies.
Celestial Mastiffs - Pennsylvania. Photographs information on health certification showing. Puppies occasionally from health certified sires and dams.
Celtics' Mastiffs - New Jersey. Health testing top show dogs history pictures. Stud service.
Ch. Maximillion's Sherman Tank - Florida. Pictures. Stud Dog.
Chaucer - Pennsylvania. Stud service pictures health testing stud contract.
Chris Jones' Page - Illinois. All breed dog handler. Millennium Mastiffs. Pictures and links.
Comstock Mastiffs - California. Provides information on kennel and owners. Includes pictures of English Mastiff puppies from birth.
Creekview Mastiffs - Virginia. Photographs philosophy history stud service. Breeding and showing Mastiffs for over 14 years.
Dandylion Mastiffs - Illinois. Pictures history puppies.
Darkling Mastiffs - Australia. Champion judge.
Darkside Mastiffs - New York. Top show dogs. Brindles a specialty.
Dawn Edge Mastiffs - New Jersey. Philosophy pictures planned breedings.
Del Fracasso Mastiff Kennel - Italy. Old English Mastiff puppies adult stud and champions.
Desert Big Dawg Mastiffs - Arizona. English and Neapolitan Mastiffs. Pictures planned breedings links rescue.
Desertknight Mastiffs - Arizona. Breeding for temperament size and type.
Devincourt Mastiffs - Ohio. Raising quality healthy puppies for show or pets.
Diamond Head Mastiffs - Arkansas. Photographs background philosophy. Health and temperament guaranteed.
Divine Mastiffs - Colorado. Pictures.
Dolliver Mastiffs - Indiana. Photo albums videos history links.
Domas Mastiffs - England. Offering basic guidance and advice on locating mastiff breeders in the United Kingdom buying a mastiff puppy and introducing Domas Mastiffs.
Dralion Mastiffs - Ohio. Small kennel of english mastiffs. Striving for health and type. Pictures and pedigree's on site.
Drool B-Gone - Minnesota. Mastiff enthusiast and breeder.
Dujon Mastiffs - New York. Involved in the sport of purebred dogs since 1961. Photographs background upcoming litters stud service.
EastWind Kennels - Massachusetts. Puppies and stud service. Written guarantee. Pictures.
English Mastiffs Of Hawthorne - Texas. Breeding for show and temperament.
Epiphany Kennels - Virginia. Pictures and information about Old English Mastiff puppies and dogs.
Euchee Creek Mastiffs - Georgia. Puppies and adults available. Includes breed background.
Excelsior Mastiffs - New York. Pictures litter announcements and links.
Eximius Mastiffs - Colorado. Pedigrees and photos.
Forte Mastiffs - Arizona. Breeding for quality. Pictures history pedigrees planned breedings breed information
Gigantes Dorados Mastiff - Argentina. Pictures and information.
Gold Coast Mastiffs - Florida. Multiple generations of Champion and Obedience titled Mastiffs with extensive health certification. Temperament tested (CGCTDI). Natural (BARF) diet. Stud Service.
Goldleaf Mastiffs - California. Breeding excellent quality dogs for over 25 years. Many champions have been produced from our line. Show and pet quality puppies available.
Goldrush Mastiffs - California. Pictures and pedigrees of dogs health testing breeding plans and show results.
Great Lake Mastiff's of Wisconsin - Wisconsin. AKC mastiff puppies. Litters occasionally. Health guarantees. Ch lines. Pet or show.
Greiner Hall Mastiffs - Virginia. Stud service photographs pedigrees. Breeders of Champion Mastiffs.
Groppetti Mastiffs - Missouri. Photo contact information breeding for over 20 years.
Groppetti Mastiffs - Missouri. Breeding Kennel for Show and Pet.
Halfmoon Mastiffs - Missouri. Pictures background pedigrees show dogs.
Hawthorne Mastiffs - Texas. Showing and Raising since 1994.
High N Mighty Mastiffs - British Columbia Canada. Pictures philosophy diet temperament contracts and pedigrees.
Honalee Mastiffs - West Virginia: See show information and planned litters.
Hotlanta Mastiffs - Georgia. Lots of photographs show Mastiffs Mastiffs having fun sleeping goofing around. Background and philosophy.
Hug-A-Mug Mastiffs Farm - Missouri. Breeding only the finest English Mastiff puppies with AKC and International Champion bloodlines for pets or show.
Hugedogge Mastiffs Denmark - Danish. American bloodlines pictures and pedigrees. Puppies available on occasion.
Hull Mastiffs - Pet and show quality Mastiffs. Kennel history litter announcements and photos. Altoona Kansas.
Imagine Mastiffs - Texas. Showing and breeding English mastiffs.
Imperial Mastiffs - Iowa. Mastiff information pedigrees background and pictures.
Indiana English Mastiffs - Indiana. Family owned breeder.
Iron Hills Mastiffs - Maryland. Great Mastiffs past and present. Photographs pedigrees stud service planned breedings.
Ironclad Mastiffs - Massachusetts. Mastiff photo gallery mastiff puppies Mastiff breed information and educational links. Coastie coloring book - a child safety book featuring Mastiff drawings which was adopted by the U.S. Coast Guard.
Ironways Mastiffs - California. Breeding for soundness type temperament and movement. Champion stud service available.
Iske's Stoneridge kennel - Iowa. One photo contact information.
Island West - Canada. Pictures and puppy information.
Ivanhoe Mastiffs - Breeding to the old English standard. Our lines include Greiner Hall Craigavon Erebor Greco Bredwardine.
Jai Bee Mastiffs - Kennel history photographs and show news. Maryland.
Jordan Mastiffs - Kentucky. Photographs background philosophy health testing. The Mastiff as a show dog and as a family companion. Member Mastiff Club of America.
Kharisma Mastiffs - Illinois. Photographs Pedigrees Puppies and Stud Service
Kingmont Mastiffs - California. Showing and breeding dogs for almost 14 years. We welcome visitors and inquiries.
Knighterrant Mastiffs - Canada. Photos history breed FAQ breeding stock great Mastiff links
Kumormai Mastiffs - Kennel history litter announcements pedigrees and photos. Located in Scotland.
Lakeside Minnesota Mastiffs - Minnesota. Photographs of past and present Mastiffs. Contact information.
Lamars Mastiffs - California. Est. 1997 our Goal is to breed sound happy healthy Mastiffs with good temperments being out prime directive.
Lazy D Mastiffs - Mississippi. Pictures planned breedings history puppies.
Lexington Mastiffs - Photos pedigrees and information on upcoming litters. New Jersey.
Lighthouse Mastiffs - Michigan. Kennel history litter announcements Rescue planned breedings and photos
Lone Star Mastiffs - Texas. Pictures.
Loyal heart Mastiff's - Pennsylvania. Breeding pet and show mastiffs. - Pennsylvania. We are English Mastiff breeders who breed mastiff puppies.
Lyonhart Mastiffs - Michigan. Dedicated to the health and happiness of the Mastiff breed. We produce puppies occasionally from tested parents.
Lyonhurst Mastiffs - Indiana. Stud Service. Puppies occasionally. History pictures and links. Testing.
MacTaggart's English Mastiffs - Pennsylvania. Mastiff puppies and Mastiff people. Intended as a resource to inform current and potential Mastiff Moms and Dads on the realities of life with several great big Mastiff puppies and great bigger Mastiff adults.
Madigan Mastiffs - Pennsylvania. Stud Service. Top show dog extensive health testing.
Majestiff Mastiffs - Quebec Canada. Includes breed description photos background and upcoming litters.
Manseutus Mastiffs - Victoria Australia. Photographs extensive background pedigrees stud service upcoming litters.
Mansuetude Mastiffs - Canada.Information on the breed our Mastiffs planned breedings and many links to other great Mastiff sites.
Mantawny Mastiffs - Pennsylvania. Photographs background.
Marcy Mountain Mastiffs - Oregon. Limited breeding program is focused on health and temperament first followed by promoting the Old English type.
Marnay Mastiffs - Virginia. Provides pictures breed and health certification information.
Marnay Mastiffs - Virginia. Healthy Typey Mastiffs from our heart to your home.
Marstenmoor Mastiffs - Victoria Australia. Pictures and links.
Mastdoch Mastiffs - Australia's Best wining Mastiffs. and Neo's
Mastiff Del Fracasso - Italy. Champion stud service and puppies.
Mastiff Kennel Krozairs of Kregen - Germany. A lot of information about the Mastiff in germany. Show dates & Puppy diary.
Mastiffs Of Grandeur - Tennessee. Extensive information on behavior and temperament. Help with contracts. Analysis of structure and the breed standard. Pictures philosophy history stud service. Chat rooms.
Mastiffs of Island West - "Sandlot 2" breeder expected pups . - mastiffs studsstud service application stud service sample contract health testingphotos and videos of our studs health testing informationlink to OEMTF
Mastineum the Molos Breeders and Service - Poland.Over 1000 pictures in 15 galleries.
McCain Mastiffs - Virginia. Photos of adults and puppies with breed information.
Meadowcreek Mastiffs - Colorado Mastiff breeder. Emphasizing health temperament and type. Includes pictures pedigrees and health certifications.
Medieval Mastiffs - Pedigrees show information and photographs. Located in Pearl River New York.
Medieval Mountain Mastiffs - Colorado. Show accomplishments and photos
Meeker's Mastiffs - Oklahoma. Puppy pictures.
Messiah Mastiffs - Mastiff breeder in New Jersey. Show ring photos pedigrees and planned breedings.
Misty Meadow Mastiffs - Maryland. Pictures show dogs companions friends. Health tested. Stud service. Puppies.
Monarch Mastiffs - Texas. Provides breed information to use as a reference when looking for a Mastiff pup. Natural (BARF) diet and extensive health testing.
Monolithic Mastiffs - Canada. Champions and therapy dogs. Testing hips elbows and eyes. Pictures planned breedings stud dogs.
Moon River Mastiffs - Georgia. Photo gallery philosophy all Mastiffs are family members pedigrees including testing information planned litters. MCOA member 10 yrs.
Mountain Valley Mastiffs - South Carolina. Photos links and planned breedings.
Mountaineer Mastiffs - West Virginia. Photographs background pedigrees books breed standards. Information about English bloodlines in the U.S.
Mountainivew Mastiffs - Washington. Offering stud service puppies show dogs pets and lifetime support from championed tested English mastiffs. Members of PNMF and MCOA.
Mountainview Mastiffs - Fishkill New York. Occasional breeder of English Mastiffs. Includes pictures and kennel contact information.
MQH Mastiffs - California. Photographs trends links FAQs breeding Mastiffs for 20 years.
Mt Cydonia Mastiffs - Pennsylvania. Photographs pedigrees pictures upcoming litters.
Mt Olympus Mastiffs - Washington. Breeding showing and therapy work with our family raised Old English Mastiffs. Puppies available occasionally to approved homes.
Mt. Olympus Kennels - Virginia. Show records puppies available pictures.
Mt.Tom Mastiffs & Bulldogs - Massachusetts. Family raisedphotos health testing puppies summer 2003
Mtn Oaks Ranch English Mastiffs - California. Mtn Oaks Ranch English Mastiffs- Champions Breeding Champions.
Mtn Oaks Ranch Mastiffs - California. English Mastiffs Website.
Mystical Mastiffs and North Country Cavaliers - Breeder of English Mastiffs and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.
New Beginnings Mastiffs - Arizona. Pictures history showing in conformation and obedience. Holistic healing physical therapy and BARF diet.
Oak Meadows Ranch - Indiana. Pictures.
Old School Mastiffs - Virginia. Includes pictures and information on available puppies and adult dogs.
Omar v. Herman Mastiffs - California. Show pictures.
Outlaw Mastiffs - Breeding for confirmation. Photographs slideshows and breedng plans. Phoenix Arizona.
Pa-Shega Mastiffs - California. Pictures adults puppies achievements.
Paint it black mastiffs - France. Our old english mastiff kennel our stud our bitches our puppies & theirs pedigree
Perch Lake Mastiffs - New York. Who says that big dogs can't do agility. Come and see Julip the mastiff do her stuff.
Qaletaqa - Ohio. Breeding rehoming and rehabilitation.
Quietwood Mastiffs - Texas. Showing and breeding quality English mastiffs. Interested in the betterment of the breed.
Rainmaker Mastiffs - Wisconsin. Breeding for type temperment and health.
Ravenwydd Mastiffs - New Jersey. Dedicated to the preservation of type. Lines include: Craigavon Jengren Bredwardine Greco Kumormai Greiner Hall and Erebor.
Red Maple Mastiffs - South Carolina. Breeder who actively shows. Litter announcements puppy picturesand photos of adults.
Renegade Mastiffs - California. Background photos.
Resolute Mastiffs - Victoria Canada. Pictures planned litters history stud dog.
Ridgerunner Mastiffs - California. We have included pictures of our dogs!
RiversEdge Mastiffs - Missouri- Showingloving & Breeding.
Roberts Mastiffs - Indiana. Puppy pictures and visual pedigrees.
Rocking H Mastiffs - Arkansas. Pictures pedigrees show wins litters.
Rockport Mastiffs - Canada. Breeder of quality Old English Mastiffs
Rockwell Mastiffs - Colorado. Pictures and mastiff information.
Sagi Mastiffs and Briards - Pennsylvania. Breeder of English Mastiffs and Briards.
Salingers - Ohio. Photographs pedigrees testing information.
Sand River Rio - Arizona. Stud Service. Tribute to Rio. Champion Group Placer Health certification.
SandKastle Kennels - Florida. Photographs philosophy planned breedings.
Sandragon Mastiff - Florida. Puppies occasionally. Stud service.
Schorr's Midnight Mastiffs - Pennsylvania. Dedicated to raising family socialized healthy and of course quality Mastiffs with Champion Bloodlines.
Secret Garden Mastiffs - North Carolina. Loving Companions Show obedience and beyond! Committed to the betterment of the breed
Selene Mastiffs - Washington. Dedicated to informing people about Mastiff's!
Sherborn Mastiffs - Breedings pedigrees and photos.
Sherwood Mastiffs - Ohio. English Mastiffs Home of: International AM CH WileyWays Cedar of Sherwood CGC
Sillar's Mastiffs - Kennel history and photos. Located in Plainfield Illinois.
Silver Crest Mastiffs - Oregon. Breeding quality English Mastiffs
Silvercreek Mastiffs - Arkansas. Photographs philosophy pedigrees upcoming litters health guarantee health testing.
Silvers Mastiffs - Show photographs visual pedigrees upcoming litters and stud dogs. Located in Texas.
Skamania Mastiffs - Washington. Champion Mastiffs health testing stud service available pet and show quality puppies.
Skip's Mastiffs - Michigan. Breeding from primarily English bloodlines.
Sky Mtn Mastiffs - California. Home of Champion Joseph's McKinley. At stud to approved bitches. Extensive health testing.
Smoky Hills Ranch - Kansas. Includes photos and pedigrees. Family raised - occasional puppies. Emphasizing temperament health and size. Goal is to produce show quality pups but loving homes are of utmost importance.
Solstice Mastiffs - Ontario Canada. Puppies occasionally photos of famous Mastiffs background international showing.
Southport Mastiffs - California. Established 1982. Breeders of Top Ranked Champion Mastiffs of the Past and Present. Stud service.
Spicewood Flats Mastiffs - Kennel history pedigrees litter announcements and pictures. Located in Virginia.
Spillers Mastiffs of Audley Farms - Pennsylvania. Photo gallery blog announcements and breeding policy. Puppies available occasionally.
Spirithill Mastiffs - England. Fun pictures and description of Mastiffs.
St James - Colorado. Emphasis on health testing and temperament. Puppies occasionally available. State rescue coordinator.
St.Patricks Mastiffs - Wisconsin. Photographs pedigrees photo galleries upcoming litters stud dogs.
Steadfast Mastiffs - Indiana. Home to champions. Puppies occassionally.
Stellar Mastiffs - Washington. Provides pictures and information on the breed puppies articles and FAQ.
Stergo Mastiffs - Michigan. Health links and seizure information.
Storm Mastiffs - West Virginia. Mastiffs of the past and present pictures. Storm Mastiff Bill Of Rights. Author of Mastiff Aristocratic Guardian.
Stronghold Mastiffs - New Jersey. Pictures history stud service.
Sumo Mastiffs - California. Pictures and information on litters.
Sundog Mastiffs - Washington. Pictures and information.
Sunshine Mountain Mastiffs - West Virginia. Breeders thriving to preserve the old english lines. Our dogs are our lives and live inside as part of the family.
Templar Mastiffs - Ohio. History philosophy photographs pedigrees health certificates.
The Mastiff Sweet Spot - Florida. Mastiff stud service and occasional mastiff puppies.
Timberlake Mastiffs - California. A selected group of young dogs with excellent pedigrees type structure and temperament.
Tucson Mastiffs - South Carolina. Pictures and history.
Vancouver Island Old English mastiff breeders - Canada. Links puppy pictures pictures of dogs in movie "Sandlot 2"
Victory Mascotts - Virginia. Home-raised English Mastiffs and Scottish Terriers; health temperament obedience show and companion.
Von Bex English Mastiff - Kentucky.We raise quality English Mastiffs. They make wonderful family pets.
W-Bar English Mastiffs - Kennel history litter announcements and photos. Texas.
Wexstan Mastiffs of New York - New York. Mastiffs suited for the family and merited in the show ring.
WileyWays Mastiffs - Maryland. Information on genetic testing and pictures.
Willow Run Mastiff's - North Carolina. Based on Willowledge bloodlines. Adult pets and pups available. Stud service. Tested champions. Pictures.
Windfall Mastiffs - Breeder of English Mastiffs. Information on health issue and the breed in genereal.
Winding Rivers Mastiffs - North Carolina. Qualilty puppies that are foremost family members with excellent health type soundness and temperament are those we strive to produce.
WoodMark - Maryland. Breeder pedigrees litter announcements.
Woodspirits Mastiffs - Washington. Photos pedigrees planned breedings mastiff puppies health testing Champion Mastiffs.
Wynmast Estate Mastiffs - BC Canada. Picture gallery. Show titles. Puppies available.
Zee Mastiffs - Missouri. Stud service. Planned litters. Imports from Europe.