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Rottweiler Links
Abbe Rottweiler - Abbe's owner provides photographs and informative text of care including hip x-rays puppy worries and problems training and activities.
All About Rottweilers - Includes general information and history of this breed.
Der Rottweiler - History of the breed and standards for various countries training and care tips and a weekly photograph.
R-CK Kennels - A non-breeding kennel dedicated to breed education and Rottweiler rescue with puppy pictures unique articles and health information.
| - Online resource for owners offering health and training tips and answering frequently asked questions.
Rottweb Magazine - Online magazine for Rottweiler enthusiasts.
Rottweiler - Stories responsible ownership and links.
Rottweiler Online - German magazine features regular updates show results a puppy section classifieds dogs for adoption and a monthly poll. [English/German]
Rottweiler UK - Helpful tips for owners focusing on health issues.
Rottweilers Breed-FAQ - Information including history standards health concerns care and temperament.
Rottweilers Reign Supreme - Newsletter rescue breed bans K-9 Koolers K-9 Sulkies and merchandise.
The Rottweiler Chronicle - An on-line publication about the breed.
The Rottweiler Magazine - Dedicated to the breed enthusiast. Interviews breed news health tips and litter listings.
Volsung Rottweilers - Care tips how to choose a dog breed history and standard and forums.