Additional Helpful Online Resources
Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Molosser Group - Rottweiler - Breeders links
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Breeders Links
Casa de S Domingos - Features show pictures of their Portuguese Podengos and Rottweiler. Contact information available. [Portugal]
Hillviewken - Pictures pedigrees and litter announcements. Malaysia.
Jeonwal - Pictures breed standard pedigrees show news and litter announcements. New Delhi India.
Rottville - News pictures pedigrees breed history and standard. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Schwartzwald Kennel - Photographs pedigrees and contact information. Bulgaria.
Tverskoy Legion - News photograph gallery and kennel history. Tver Russia.
Vom Dreilandereck - Presents their dogs in Germany and the United States with pictures pedigrees and memorials.
Vom Kleiner Himmel - Pedigree breed standards history pictures and guestbook.
Vom Pakmm Rottweiler - Photographs of their dogs and contact information. Guadalupe Nuevo León México.
Vom Schwarzen Riesen - Rottweiler kennel in Switzerland presenting their dogs.