Additional Helpful Online Resources
Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Molosser Group - Rottweiler - Breeders - Australia links
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Australia Links
Benahein - News photographs kennel history pedigrees litter announcements and health tips. Perth Western Australia.
Blickscharf - Kennel history show results photographs and litter announcements. Glenburn Victoria.
Bossk - Kennel policies pictures and pedigrees of their dogs show results and an article on shows from the dog's point of view. Tasmania.
Castobian - Pictures and pedigrees. Victoria.
Coalfire - Pictures pedigrees show critiques and articles. Queensland.
Darkgypsy - Breeding for type temperament and working ability. Pedigrees evaluations photographs and links. Queensland.
Dellahar - Photographs news kennel history and litter announcements. Broadford Victoria.
Dreistleigh - Breeding with German bloodlines to produce dogs for conformation and working ability. Photographs and litter announcements. New South Wales.
Gelderland - Raising dogs for show. Photographs show results and pedigrees. Western Australia.
Helsingborg - Kennel history show results litter announcements and photographs. Western Australia.
Kameraden - Photographs news and stories. Pambula New South Wales.
Kazrotti - Photograph and pedigree of their stud dog forum breed standard and links. Queensland.
Madora - News photographs kennel background and memorials. Perth Western Australia.
Primarch - Kennel goals and history profiles photographs pedigrees and titles. Perth.
Rakaaz - Dogs for conformation obedience. and tracking. Show news photographs and litter announcements. Mount Duneed.
Rockdalestar - Images and pedigrees of their dogs litter announcements and breed history. Dogs are certified for hip and elbow displaysia. Sydney.
Rynberg - Breeding German working and conformation lines. Photographs articles and breeding plans. Western Australia.
Sachsenwald - Photographs critiques show results pedigrees and links.
Stolzsein - Pictures pedigrees and critiques of their dogs litter announcements and news. Melbourne.
Substanz - Photographs show results and links. Victoria.
Svawill - Producing dogs for show and obedience. Photographs pedigrees news and litter announcements. Victoria.
Tcharkuldu - Shows results breed history standard and photographs. Darwin Northern Territory.
Zandisha - Photographs news achievements and pictoral pedigrees of dogs links and information about the Rottweiler Club of New South Wales.
Zlatnik - Photographs and pedigrees. Sydney.