Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Molosser Group - Rottweiler - Breeders - United Kingdom links

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United Kingdom Links

Artig - Photographs kennel history and pictures of past and present dogs. Scotland.
Azilian - Photographs and pedigrees.
Bergmann - Kennel history and pictures and show news of dogs past and present.
Crayell - Pictures and descriptions of their dogs. South Wales.
Duntarvie - News pictures and breeding plans.
Gouldryck - Raising dogs for conformation and work. Photographs pedigrees and show critiques.
HawkAngel - Raising dogs for work and companionship. Kennel history pictures and pedigrees. Rochdale.
Jacraila - Photographs pedigrees and links. Glasgow.
Jantavia - Kennel history news photographs health articles and a suggested reading list. Scotland.
Jimeva - Small hobby show kennel. Pictures of their dogs and litter announcements.
Jordancourt - Photographs and news.
Juffther - Raising dogs for show. Kennel history pictures and show results.
Mazzaras - Breed standard and history kennel background pictures and memorials.
Merrittsbrook - Pictures and descriptions of their dogs. Birmingham City.
Oakprides - Breeder of home-raised therapy dogs. Photographs breed standard and links.
Rottview - Pictures kennel history chatroom and links.
Saint Lythans - Litter announcements and kennel information. Wales.
Travillon - Raising dogs for show. Photographs pedigrees and show results.
Trudos - Small hobby kennel in the heart of Rhondda Valley South Wales. Pictures and information on their dogs.
Tysar - Photographs show results and breed standard.
Wharface - Puppycam photographs and breeding plans.
Zorgs - Photograph gallery training information and links.Scotland.