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Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Terrier Group - Airedale Terrier - Breeders links

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Breeders Links

Ackley Kennels - Breeds Airedale Terrier and Standard Schnauzer. Information video and pictures available. Also offers grooming and boarding services. [Michigan]
Airy Mountain Airedales - A Canadian site with kennel information and pictures. Winlaw BC.
Amity Airedales - Breeder of Airedale Terriers and Skye Terriers. Kennel information show pictures pedigrees and links. Chickasha Oklahoma.
Antwerp Airedale Terrier Corner - Offers pet and show pictures. Netherlands.
Ashgrove Airedales - An Italian Airedale and Wire Fox Terrier site featuring show results pictures pedigrees and links.
Barbados Airedale Clan - The story of one breeders experience with Airedales in the Barbados along with pictures.
Brightburn Airedale Terriers - Kennel information with photos. Edmonton Alberta.
Cooleamber - Show pictures and pedigrees. Calgary Alberta.
CornerStone Terriers - Kennel information and show photos. Kingston OK
Fairyland Airedales - Kennel information show pictures (including Ch. Bengal Tarquin and Ch. Bengal Sahib) and pedigrees. Argentina.
Galina's Airedales - A Russian site featuring show results with pictures Aire-fashion a love story involving two Airedales and pictures of their puppies growing up.
Hemingway Terriers - Kennel information photos show photo and pedigree. NY
Imprimis Airedales - Kennel information show pictures and links. Whitewater WI.
Indus Kennels - Kennel information with show pictures and pedigrees. Calgary Alberta.
Jokyl Airedale Terriers - This kennel was established in England in 1959 and has bred many English Champions including Ch. Jokyl This Is My Song (Nan) winner of Reserve Best in Show in 1996 at Crufts. Owned by Olive Jackson and Mary Swash.
Jolliver Airedale Terriers - Kennel information and photos. South Yorkshire UK.
Joval Airedale Terriers - Kennel information show photos and pedigrees. Haymarket VA
Jubilee Aires Airedale Terriers - Breed and kennel information with show pictures and pedigrees. Dallas TX
Kilandan Kennels - A Canadian site with kennel and breed information and pictures.
Kingaire Airedales - Australian site with pictures and links.
Kingsley Airedales - Kennel information with pictures and pedigree. Ridgefield WA.
Lynaire Airedales - Kennel and breed information. Show pictures and pedigrees of their champions past and present. Boarding facilities and grooming services. New Bern NC.
Monjes de Sanjuan Airedales - Kennel information show pictures and pedigrees. English and Spanish. Colombia.
Morning Star Airedales - Breed kennel and puppy information with pictures and pedigrees.
Nagual Airedale Terriers - Kennel information photos and pedigrees. Argentina.
Nightsun Airedale Terriers - Kennel and breed information with pedigrees and lots of photos including show photos (conformation agility and obedience) as well as hunting and working trials. Edmonton AB Canada.
Paradym Airedales - A Canadian site with kennel information and show pictures.
Penaire Airedale Terriers - Kennel information with show pictures and pedigrees. Fort Worth TX and Nova Scotia.
Ratatat Airedales - Kennel and puppy information with show pictures and fun pictures. Apple Creek Ohio.
Rollingstone Airedale Terriers - Home of the #1 Airedale in Russia and the #1 Airedale bitch in Canada for 1998. Breed puppy hunting and health information show pictures pedigrees books and links. Vancouver Canada.
Roseaire Airedales - Kennel information with show picture. Portland OR.
Sagacious Airedales - Kennel information with show pictures and pedigrees. Also diets and recipes. TX.
Saredon Terriers - Home of Ch. Deerhunter of Saredon. Kennel information and show pictures. Uttoxeter UK.
Seneca Airedales - Breed and puppy information with articles on grooming breed origins as well as puppy conformation and obedience pictures. Helena OH.
Serendipity Airedales - Home of Ch. Serendipity's Eagle's Wings the top winning Best in Show Airedale in the history of the breed. Show pictures pedigrees family tree "Gluing and Setting Ears" and links. Virginia Beach VA.
ShadoDancer Airedales - Kennel information with show photos. Loudon Tennessee.
Shadow of Aire - A site in Slovenija Europe featuring Airedales and Sealyham Terriers with pictures show results pedigrees as well as show rules and regulations agility information and links.
Shaireab's Airedale & Welsh Terriers - Kennel information and photos. GA.
Stargus Airedale Terriers and Welsh Terriers - Home of the UK's number one Airedale Terrier for 2001. Kennel information photos show photos pedigrees and show results.
Stone Ridge Airedales - Breeders importers owners and co-owners of many of the top winning Airedale Terriers in the US for the last 30 years. IL.
SuperiAire Airedales - Kennel information. New Jersey.
Tartan Scottshire Airedale Terriers - Kennel information with show pictures and pedigrees. TX.
Terrydale HK Airedales - Kennel information show photos and pedigrees. North Carolina.
Welcome to Skydale Manor - A Canadian site with kennel information pictures and pedigrees. Princeton BC.
WestRidge Airedales - Show pictures and pedigrees. Scottsdale AZ.
WharfeAire Airedales - A Canadian site with show pictures pedigrees and links. Peterborough Ontario
Wyndridge Airedales - Kennel and breed information with show pictures. NY.