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American Pit Bull Terrier: Breeders resources Breeders (167)American Pit Bull Terrier: Chats and Forums resources Chats and Forums (5)American Pit Bull Terrier: Clubs resources Clubs (14)
American Pit Bull Terrier: Pets resources Pets (15)American Pit Bull Terrier: Rescues and Shelters resources Rescues and Shelters (28)

American Pit Bull Terrier Links

All-Star's Web Ring - Web Ring for the American Pit Bull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier. Instructions for joining the ring.
American Pit Bull Registry - Registers American Pit Bull Terriers. Breed history frequently asked questions photographs and a discussion board.
American Pit Bull Registry - Everything Pit Bull - Provides information on registration pictures veterinarian locator rescue contacts memorials shelter listings and breed history.
American Pit Bull Terrier Frequently Asked Questions - Questions and answers about all aspects of the breed.
American Pit Bull Terrier Organization and Network - Dedicated to the past present and future of the American Pit Bull Terrier. Information on conformation agility obedience weight pull therapy health genetics and pets.
Angelpaws Pit Bull Information - Sharing information about the breed and dispelling myths.
Dance of the PitBulls Web Ring - Includes information on how to link to the ring.
Help Stop Humans Attacking Pit Bulls - Provides breed information to help people understand the breed and information for owners to stay abreast of laws that effect them.
No Bull - Positive presentation of the Bull and Terrier breeds focusing on the Pit Bull Terrier as a companion working dog and stable animal. Lots of photographs and stories.
Pit Bull Mail - Free web-based email service for Pit Bull fanciers.
Pit Bull Reporter - The online version of the magazine. Articles photographs and legal protection information. - Training tips health articles advice for new owners and breed description. - Pictures breed information lost and found listings and rescue contacts.
Resources for the American Pit Bull Terrier - Features facts about the breed pictures dog health information an explanation of their senses links and the breed's history.
Sorry Again - Protesting the pit bull dog bans.
Sporting Dog Online - Resources articles list of breeders and links.
The Pit - Site dedicated to restoring the reputation of the American Pitbull Terrier.
The Pit Bull Press - Breed information explanation of breed specific legislation articles training tips and rescue contacts.
The Truth About Pit Bulls - Dedicated to fighting the cruel and unwarranted stereotype that casts the Pit Bull into a negative role.
Working Pitbull - Photographs breed standard information on rescue obedience and other activities.