Additional Helpful Online Resources
Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Terrier Group - Bull Terrier - Breeders links
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Breeders Links
Action - Pages for studs and girls as well as available puppies news links and genetics. Located in Pittsburgh PA.
Activior - Kennel History photos of dogs and pedigrees puppies and available dogs. Located in the UK
Allegro - Photos of dogs and puppies show results. Located in Fountain Valley CA.
Aniro - Photos of dogs and their ancestors puppies and kennel information. Located in South Africa
Apohro's - Links puppies photos of dogs pedigrees and show results. Located in the Netherlands
Baker Street - Information on temperament and health pictures pedigrees and show results. Located in eastern Pennsylvania.
Banbury-Bedrock - Breed information and tips show results and bull terriers in search & rescue. Located in Virginia and Pennsylvania
Bedlam - Pictures show results and breed information. Located in eastern PA.
Betterbrand - Information on Bull Terriers and breed related topics such as books clubs shows stud dogs and health. Site is in English and Danish.
Boromir - Pictures pedigrees show results links and breed information about Bull Terriers in New Zealand.
Brehon - Kennel history show results and photos. Located near Pittsburgh PA.
Brigadoon - Photos of dogs puppy information champions and rising stars. Located in California
Bull Lovers - Kennel history care tips show accomplishments litter announcements and photos. Located in Ontario Canada.
Bull Moon - Miniature Bull Terriers. Photos links breed information and news. Located in California
Bullbreaker - Photos litters breed standard and news. Located in Spain
Bullskull's - Breed information links puppies and breed standard. Located in Finland
Bullywood - Kennel history links litter announcements and photos. Located in Lancashire England.
Buteo - Photos of dogs links breed standard and guestbook. Located in Poland
Caliber - Photos of current dogs breed FAQ health links and latest news. Located in England
Cambria Miniature Bull Terriers - Information on the breed its History and Health as well as general information. Located in Washington
Coronado - Miniature and standards. Kennel history show results Bullie FAQ and photos. Located in Strasburg Colorado
Corsaire - Photos rescue and event information. Kennel located in Marshfield Mass. USA.
Credetta - Photos of girls & stud dogs puppy pages youngsters and show results. Located in the UK
D'ourico - Photos of dogs litter information and links. Located in Portugal
Dynabolic - Kennel history and photos of dogs with pedigrees. Located in New South Whales Australia
El Cornijal - Standard and Miniatures. Photos of dogs with pedigrees litter information videos and photos of champions. Located in Spain
Envision/Registan - Miniatures located in the Midwest. Kennel history litter announcements and photos.
Eugene - Photos info and pedigrees. Standard & Miniatures located in Korea
Farrar's - Photos of dogs links and guestbook.
Gemmology - Kennel and breed history photos pedigrees show results and litter announcements. Located in Australia
Grich - Kennel history care tips show results litter announcements and photos. Located in Croatia
Horizon - Kennel and breed history litter announcements show results and photos. Located in Plymouth IN.
Icacia - Photos of dogs puppy photos breed information and fun photos.
Jarrogue - Articles and links regarding the breed health rescue puppies other breed clubs worldwide THE BULLY SHOPPE for art books jewelry and paraphernalia. Located in California
Javarke - Gallery of photos pedigrees pics of current and past puppies breed info and links. Located in England
KEM - Photos and information about dogs puppies agility and flyball. Located in Richmond BC.
Langidrik Bull Terriers - Dog photos and information our puppies and rainbow bridge. Located in Adelaide South Australia.
Lionheart - Photos of dogs show results and puppy information. Located in North Carolina
Lord Bull - Dog photos and pedigrees puppy information breed standards. Located in Spain.
Lusahn - Breed information photos of dogs and kennel links. Located in Cape Town South Africa
Madcap - Pictures and information about training Bull Terriers for agility and obedience puppies and show wins. Located in New Jersey.
Melarbro - Kennel history photos and information on hereditary diseases. Located in Tewantin Australia
Musgoke - Kennel history litter announcements and photos. Located in the UK
Nederes' - Links puppies information photos of champions and breed information. Miniatures in Coos Bay Oregon
Pacmartee - Photos of dogs with show results links and funny photos. Located in Australia
PCH - Photos links litter information kennel and show photos. Located in Mexico.
Sambuca - Photos of dogs with pedigrees upcoming litter information and available dogs. Located in Knoxville Tennessee.
Seawind - General breed and health information. Photos of dogs with pedigrees and show results. Puppy information and links. Located in California.
Shacadia - Gallery of photos pedigrees pics of current and past puppies breed info and links. Located in England
Skyline - Kennel and breed history litter announcements show accomplishments and photographs. Located in New England.
Stormbandits - Kennel information and pictures fun photos bullie quiz guestbook and links. Located in the Netherlands
Sturmhoehe - Standards & miniatures. Dog photos puppies and links. Located in Germany
Tawnbarr - Kennel history litter announcements show accomplishments and photos. Located in the UK.
The Joker - Photos of dogs with details and pedigrees. Also actively involved in BSL legislation in Germany.
Timar - Photos of dogs litters gallery links guestbook and history. Located in Poland
Trahern - Photos of puppies and dogs including show wins. Located in Australia
Ukusa - Pictures pedigrees litter announcements and breed information about Bull Terriers in Essex England UK.