Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Terrier Group - Irish Terrier links

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Irish Terrier: Breeders resources Breeders (13)Irish Terrier: Clubs resources Clubs (4)Irish Terrier: Pets resources Pets (3)
Irish Terrier: Rescues and Shelters resources Rescues and Shelters (1)

Irish Terrier Links

Dashing Devil - Article by Keith Bush - Brief overview of this spirited breed.
Irish Terrier - Information on the Irish Terrier including size features and origin provided by the Continental Kennel Club.
Irish Terrier - AKC Breed Standard - Breed Standard as owned by the Irish Terrier Club of America
Irish Terrier - FCI Standard - International Breed Standard as published by Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI).
Irish Terrier Ring - A WebRing established to link the many web pages around the internet that contain themes or content pertaining to Irish Terriers
Irish Terrier Ring - Listing - Listing of sites in the Web Ring
Irish Terriers Community - Central location of information for and about Irish Terriers; extensive collection of links; Photo Albums with pictures of member's Irish Terriers; and a professional Web Conferencing system.
IrTerr-L EMail Group - The Irish Terrier Email list sponsored by Yahoo!/eGroups/Onelist open for all topics dealing with Irish Terriers.