Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Terrier Group - Manchester Terrier - Toy links

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Toy Links

Bleu Springs - Pictures pedigrees and show news. Western New York.
DesertRose and Layclyf - Breed information pictures history frequently asked questions and articles on health issues.
Diventy - Photographs and litter announcements. Quebec Canada.
Fwaggle Kennels - Information about the breed photographs litter announcements and links to other sites. Nova Scotia Canada.
Les Fermes D'Elevages Ericlam Farms - Photographs of their dogs and contact information. Mascouche Quebec Canada. [French and English].
Saint Lazar - Features information about the kennel and the breed as well as pictures of their dogs. Newborn Georgia.
Tempest - Features pictures and information on the breed.
Tudorian Kennels - Photographs breeding plans and the history of the breed. Port Perry Ontario Canada.
Yozho - Kennel history litter announcements and photographs. Texas.