Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Terrier Group - Norwich Terrier - Breeders links

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Breeders Links

Arcadian Kennel - Breed information frequently asked questions pictures and kennel policies. Minnesota.
Darscharia - Photographs and show news. Netherlands.
Foxlea Farm - Pictures and pedigrees. Tennessee.
Glenhafod - Pictures show news and litter announcements. South Wales United Kingdom.
Highwood Kennel - Pictures links history grooming and health information. New York.
Maralinga Kennels - Pictures breed history and kennel information. Calgary Alberta Canada.
Mischief Kennels - Photographs pedigree show and rescue information. Biloxi Mississippi.
Sortis Kennel - Pictures and pedigrees. Warsaw Poland.
White Diamond - News and pictures. Washington United States.
Wild Witches - Photographs and breed standard. Netherlands.
Wildgoose - Photographs breed description health issues breeder resources and frequently asked questions. Carp Ottawa Canada.
Windermers - Show results pictures and litter announcements. Germany.