Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Terrier Group - Rat Terrier links

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Rat Terrier: Breeders resources Breeders (44)Rat Terrier: Clubs resources Clubs (9)Rat Terrier: Pets resources Pets (25)
Rat Terrier: Rescues and Shelters resources Rescues and Shelters (3)

Rat Terrier Links

Eponarats - Devoted to holistic health and natural rearing of the breed.
Rat Terrier Lover's Webring - Links to breed web sites.
Rat Terriers - Information - Breed information including history standards photos training tips and health advice. Links to breeders rescues and clubs.
Ratter Chatter Message Board - Fanciers from around the United States meet for information news and events.
The Rat Terrier Information Center - Standards history and general breed information.
The Rat Terriers Forum - Categorized forums for lovers of the breed.
The Rats Nest - Dog owners discussion group. Message board and photos.
United Kennel Club: Rat Terrier - Read the official UKC breed standard.
Wee Bits Rat Terriers - Online community of fanciers which includes articles on breeding rescues message board and listings of dogs for sale.