Additional Helpful Online Resources
Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Terrier Group - Russell Terrier - Jack Russell Terrier links
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Jack Russell Terrier Links
Dirt-Dog - Information on activities for Jack Russell Terriers such as Earthdog lure coursing and racing.
Hutch's Jack Russell Terriers - General breed information on the Jack Russell Terrier and activities such as agility.
Jack Russell Terrier Community - An online community of JRT aficionados. Message boards photos and chat room.
Jack Russell Terrier Trial Premiums - Listing of trials throughout the US with premiums available for downloading.
Jack Russells - Online community where Jack Russell Terrier lovers can share photos stories information questions and advice.
The Marvelous Marcus Plank Road Pages - A noncommercial interactive gathering place for Jack Russell Terrier owners and enthusiasts.
Working Terrier - Organizes Jack Russell Terrier trials. Contains articles on trial events and a calendar of open shows.