Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Terrier Group - Russell Terrier - Jack Russell Terrier - Clubs links

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Clubs Links

Alberta Jack Russell Terrier Club - JRTCC affiliate club. Club and breed history calendar of events photos and breeder listings.
Carolinas Jack Russell Terrier Club - JRTCA affiliate club. Calendar of events trial news breeder listings photos rescue club contacts. (North and South Carolina)
English Jack Russell Terrier Club Alliance - An official registry for the Short-Legged Jack Russell Terrier. Not affiliated with the English Jack Russell Terrier Club of America or the English Jack Russell Terrier Club.
Jack Russell Club of East Anglia - Club and membership information pictures show results and calendar of events.
Jack Russell Terrier Club of America - JRTCA Terrier trials Russell Rescue Bad Dog Talk pictures chat room web friends stories standard guestbook books training and JackTalk Q&A.
Jack Russell Terrier Club of Australia Inc - Parent club of the Jack Russell Terrier in Australia. Includes breed standard membership information organization history registration requirements and contact information.
Jack Russell Terrier Club of Canada - Canadian breed organization closely linked with JRTCA/JRTCGB. Club information and contacts trials magazine and membership application.
North American Jack Russell Terrier Association - Dedicated to preserving the Jack Russell Terrier as a healthy and sound working terrier for show companionship and work in the United Kennel Club. Club and breed information calendar of events and rescue.
Pacific Northwest Jack Russell Terrier Network - JRTCA affiliate based in Washington state. Includes photos newsletters and discussion forums.
St. Croix Jack Russell Terrier Network - JRTCA-affiliate club. Calendar of events trial news photos rescue breeders directory and club contacts. (Wisconsin/Minnesota area)
The Midwest Jack Russell Terrier Club - JRTCA affiliate club based in Illinois. Site features lots of photos message boards and chat.
The Short Legged Jack Russell Terrier Club - A US registry for the "English" short legged Jack Russell Terrier. Club information pictures breeders history and a "survival kit."
Tri State Jack Russell Terrier Club - JRTCA-affiliate club. Calendar of events trial news newsletter photos rescue club contacts. (Washington/Idaho/Oregon area)