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Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Terrier Group - Scottish Terrier - Breeders links

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Breeders Links

Anstamm - Show news kennel history photographs and pedigrees. United States.
AspenRose Highland MistyMoors and Sharpe - Four show kennels share general information on the breed show results health articles and photographs. United States.
Bramble Burr - Kennel history litter announcements and photographs. Port Allen Louisiana United States.
Charthill - Breed information photograph gallery show news pedigrees helpful tips memorials and links. Greenville South Carolina United States.
D'inglyber - Photographs videos pedigrees and show results. Torteron France.
Diascotts - Photographs pedigrees and recipes. Massachusetts United States.
Divadell - Kennel history litter announcements and photographs. United Kingdom.
Euri-Escot Kennel - Kennel information breed description pictures and pedigrees. Czech Republic.
Glenby - Kennel history pedigrees and photographs. Oregon City Oregon United States.
Glenfraser - Photographs show results and litter announcements. Burnaby British Columbia Canada.
Greatbear Kennel - Pictures pedigrees and litter announcements. Millarville Alberta Canada.
Hopel Popel - hotographs memorials and news. Massachusetts United States.
Invisible Touch - Breed standard show news pictures and pedigrees. Serbia and Montenegro.
Jovial Kennels - Photographs pedigrees and an explanation of their philosophy. Greensboro North Carolina United States.
Kennels O'Colonsay - Breed description show news and tips for new owners. Baxter Tennessee United States.
McVan - Articles on the breed how to choose a breeder show news photographs and pedigrees. United States.
Minglewood - Pictures of their dogs frequently asked questions newsletter and links. Glen Gardner New Jersey United States.
Paloma - Breed standard video pictures memorials and show news. California United States.
Pointchester - Photographs pedigrees and litter announcements. Netherlands.
Rococo - Kennel history breed information and photographs. Uxbridge Massachusetts United States.
Roscot Kennel - Pictures pedigrees and kennel history. Annapolis Maryland United States.
Rosslyn - Photographs pedigrees and show news. Tennessee
Sir Bills Kennels - Photographs links tips for new owners and contact details. Somerville Alabama United States.
Wind of Fortune - Photograhs of their wheaten and black dogs pedigrees show results and artwork. The Netherlands.
Xanas - Pictures and pedigrees. Czech Republic.