Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Toy Group - Italian Greyhound links

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Italian Greyhound: Breeders resources Breeders (36)Italian Greyhound: Clubs resources Clubs (7)Italian Greyhound: Pets resources Pets (16)
Italian Greyhound: Rescues and Shelters resources Rescues and Shelters (28)

Italian Greyhound Links

AKC Italian Greyhound - Official breed description from the American Kennel Club.
IG Post - Italian Greyhound Post - Message and photo board for Italian Greyhounds. Nationwide events rescue groups stories and general discussions. United States and Worldwide
Iggy Planet - Italian Greyhound forum with advice news coursing and local events photos rescue information and general discussions. United States and Worldwide
Iggy World - Italian Greyhound resources and clubs around the world including Europe Asia North America and Australia.
Italian Greyhound Collars Clothes & Apparel - Clothes jackets collars and pictures of Italian or Miniature Greyhounds.
Italian Greyhound Information - Dedicated to Italian Greyhounds and the people that admire the beauty of this breed. Answers to Iggy questions online forum and articles about Italian Greyhounds.
Izat Italian Greyhounds - General breed information purchasing how-tos health issues breeding and housetraining information.
Lotje Italian Greyhound Museum - Dedicated to various IG collectibles and organized in to areas of a home where the items would typically be located. Netherlands