Additional Helpful Online Resources
Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Toy Group - Italian Greyhound - Clubs links
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Clubs Links
Italian Greyhound Club of America - Breed description code of ethics and bylaws rules for applying to become a member articles tips for selecting a dog and links to rescues.
Italian Greyhound Club of Canada - Official site of the national breed club of Canada. Breeder information information on health concerns training tips and photographs.
Italian Greyhound Club of Finland - Finnish breeders show results gallery and links to individual dog pages. Info on Cirneco dell'Etna (Sicilian Rabbit Hunter) a primitive breed from Italy. [English and Finnish]
Italian Greyhound Club of Great Britain - The oldest established IG club. Features breed standards show information health rescue links a newletter and membership information. Great Britain United Kingdom
Italian Greyhound Club of Sweden - IG specialty lure coursing show results and membership information. [English and Swedish]
Mid-Atlantic Italian Greyhound Club of Central Maryland - Breeder referrals Italian Greyhound rescue health information and a calendar of events.
Valley of the Sun Italian Greyhound Club - Local events breeder referrals rescue links and other Italian Greyhound websites. Phoenix Arizona.