Additional Helpful Online Resources
Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Breeds - Working Group - Alaskan Malamute - Breeders - Australia links
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Australia Links
Bordalaska - Raising dogs for show and work. Pictures pedgrees and breeding plans. Two Wells South Australia.
Chekody - Raising dual purpose dogs. Health information breed standard litter announcements and pedigrees. Canberra.
Darksky - Pictures show news pedigrees and an illustrated and expanded standard of the breed.
KoolRunnings - News photographs and litter announcements. Murrumbateman New South Wales.
Kortmar - Pictures breed overview litter announcements and links. Murrumbateman New South Wales.
Mukluks - Photographs breed standard and links.
Nortele - Many pictures of their dogs pedigrees and a forum area to discuss breed issues. Queensland.
RunningDog - Photographs articles and news. Adelaide South Australia.
Shuyak ZeeZee Tama Nui - Pictures pedigree and stud information for a show dog.
Siarnak - Photographs pedigrees news and breed information. Cockatoo.
Snowkloud - Memorials news photographs and litter announcements. Queensland.
Windchill - General breed information care tips for new owners and descriptions of the activities of sledding backpacking weightpulling and showing. Melbourne.
Wolfdog Kennels - Pictures and information about their dogs. Two Wells South Australia.