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Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Dogs - Genetics - Coat and Coloration - Genes - Merle links
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Merle Links
A Matter of Color - An article about the genetics of Merle (M).
About Merles - Article about the Merle (M) gene in the Cocker Spaniel.
Australian Shepherd - Merle Versus Solid - Inheritance of the Merle (M) gene and the colors it generates in this breed.
Brindle and Merle - Information with photos on the inheritance of these coat patterns in dogs.
Dachshunds Patterns and Colors - Introducing color inheritance in this breed with a focus on Dapple (Merle) with photos.
Dog Breeds that Carry the Merle Gene - A list of the breeds of dog that are known to carry the Merle gene and related links.
Elementary Merle Genetics for Newcomers - Article about Merle coat coloration and Sable Merles.
Explaining the Double Dapple - Describes how the Merle (M) gene can result in double dapple Dachshund and its associated problems.
Lethal White Aussie - Describes the inheritance of Merle (M) in the Australian Shepherd.
Palomino and Merle - Too Much of a Good Thing - Comparison of these genes and the problems they cause breeders when they are present in homozygous form.
Tanyas Toys - Merle - Describes the Merle (M) gene as it affects the Chihuahua.
The Merle - Inheritance of Merle in the Border Collie.
The Trouble With Merle - Article describing the inheritance of Merle in the Australian Shepherd.
What is a Merle? - Short article about effects of the Merle gene with photos.