Additional Helpful Online Resources
Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Ferrets - Rescues and Shelters - North America - Canada links
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Canada Links
Ferret Information Rescue Shelter & Trust Society (FIRST) - Located in Vancouver British Columbia. Member and contact information memorial page articles adoption information guidelines for breeding and showing ferrets links and pictures.
Ferret Rescue Society of Ottawa and Area - Located in Ontario. News ferret care manual pictures and biographies of permanent and past residents and ferrets for adoption donation information links and contact details. French and English.
Manitoba Ferret Association Shelter - Contact details and information on adopting surrendering sponsoring or fostering a ferret.
The Alberta Ferret Society - A charitable organization aiming to promote the well-being of ferrets. Membership events and adoption information picture gallery merchandise and links.
The Ferret Aid Society - Located in Mississauga Ontario. Photographs stories of individual ferrets how to help adoption information online store contact details and a list of North American contacts.