Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Fish and Aquaria - Freshwater - Species links

Navigation: / Resources / Pets / Fish and Aquaria / Freshwater / Species /

Species: Arowanas resources Arowanas (12)Species: Botias and Loaches resources Botias and Loaches (9)Species: Catfish resources Catfish (10)
Species: Characins resources Characins (8)Species: Cichlids resources Cichlids (157)Species: Goldfish resources Goldfish (30)
Species: Invertebrates resources Invertebrates (39)Species: Killifish resources Killifish (37)Species: Koi resources Koi (93)
Species: Labyrinth Fishes resources Labyrinth Fishes (72)Species: Livebearers resources Livebearers (59)Species: Rainbowfish resources Rainbowfish (5)

Species Links

Algae Eating Cyprinids - The Siamese Algae Eater Crossocheilus siamensis the only fish known to effectively eat red beard/brush algae.
AquaFriend - Detailed articles on tropical fish suited for home aquaria.
Aquaria - Descriptions of some algae eating cyprinids plus a few tank setups.
Asian Arowana and Freshwater Stingray - Offers information on conditioning diet health management diseases and breeding.
Atlas of New Zealand Freshwater Fishes - A collection of information that can be searched by family species or common name.
Australian And New Guinea Freshwater Fishes - Care and natural history of freshwater fish habitat descriptions photos plants and ponds information.
Bud's Freshwater Stingrays - Maintenance and feeding sexing tankmates species profiles picture gallery and links.
cjexotics - Features a discussion forum piranha and cichlid picture gallery and sales to the public.
Endlicheri Club - Forum gallery and articles on the polypterus lungfish and stingray.
Exotic Fish - Water temperature size and temperament data for several species of tropical fish.
Fins Out - Species profiles articles photos of tanks and fish.
Fish Central - Care and feeding of many species of freshwater fish. Photos and details about some plants.
Fish Profiles - Care behavior and natural history of many species of freshwater fish.
Fishpride - Photos of the Oscar Convict Flowerhorn Jack Dempsey Plecostomus and Green Terror.
Freshwater Aquarium Fish Albums - Photos of cichlids and killifish.
Freshwater Fish - Information on the care of Cichlids Tetra livebearers frogs crabs shrimp and salt water fish keeping.
Freshwater Fishes of the World - Information on keeping feeding and breeding. Categorized by type with pictures.
Goldfish and Freshwater Fishes of Japan - Information on common Goldfish keeping and Japanese freshwater fishes.
Kings of the Aquarium - Devoted to large freshwater fish such as Arowanas Snakeheads and large South American cichlids.
Master Index of Freshwater Fishes - Articles on freshwater fish and plants in sixty books and selected issues of six magazines organized by species as well as a few online articles.
Mongabay: Fish Species - Offers detailed information about various species.
Petfrd - Profiles of fish species articles and video clips discussion boards fish and tank galleries. - Hobbyist website devoted to the polypterus fishes Bichirs and Ropefish. Species profiles and links.
Rays Freshwater Stingray - Articles on keeping stingrays profiles breeding data spawning log photo gallery and forum.
Spike's Everglades Aquarium - Pictures and information about a variety of fish native to the Florida Everglades.
Stingray UK - Articles on the care of freshwater stingrays of the genus Potomatrygon. Includes photo gallery and links.
Tropical Fish of South America - Articles about South American fish suitable for home aquaria. []
Tropical Fish Photo Gallery - Fish profiles photos and hobbyist reviews based on personal experiences in keeping each species.