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Cichlids: African resources African (34)Cichlids: Breeders resources Breeders (2)Cichlids: Central and South American resources Central and South American (74)
Cichlids: Hybrids resources Hybrids (10)Cichlids: Organizations resources Organizations (15)

Cichlids Links

Australian Cichlid Enthusiasts Forum - ACE forums are a not for profit organisation run by volunteers with 1600 members.
Cichlid Central - Forum polls fish profiles sales. Registration is required but is free.
Cichlid Depot - Profiles of African and New World cichlids illness diagnosis and treatments and forum.
Cichlid Forum - Features a discussion board articles on a variety of topics photo gallery product and retailer reviews and videos.
Cichlid News Magazine - Includes online articles and subscription information.
Cichlid Research Home Page - Invites aquarists to get involved in The Cichlid Egg Project. Offers a cichlid database and links.
Cichlid Room Companion - Articles gallery breeding information and cichlid wallpapers. - Icthyological and care information for many cichlid species photo galleries and guides for beginners.
CichlidTank - Articles on care and breeding species profiles photographs games discussion and trading post. Free registration required.
Fish Enthusiast on the Web - Pictures articles and a message board.
FishGeeks: Cichlid Forum - Forum for discussions about American and African cichlids.
Fishpost - A fish import and distribution company sponsor of the Cichlid Conservation Working Group. Cichlid information and forum.
Justcichlids - Free online classified ads dedicated to cichlids.
Michael Helford's Cichlid Site - Pictures list of webmaster's fish price list and links.
Mostly Cichlids - Articles about Pike cichlids of the genus Crenicichla and about aquarium photography and photos.
My Cichlid Tank - Fish information and details of the webmaster's tank set-ups as well as photos.
SimplyCichlids - A web forum devoted to the care and husbandry of fish from the family Cichlidae.
Sydney's Cichlid Page - Articles FAQs photo gallery and profiles of cichlids and other species.
The Cichlid Aquarium Page - Pictures text descriptions and breeding tips.
The Cichlid Gallery - Photo galleries and in-depth articles on the natural history and care of cichlids.
The Midwest Cichlid Association - Forum calendar and links.
World Cichlids Forums - For cichlid enthusiasts and beginners who seek assistance.