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Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Fish and Aquaria - Freshwater - Species - Cichlids - African links

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African Links

African Cichlid Community - News articles tips and expert advice on aquariums and African cichlids.
African Rift Cichlid Forum - A site dedicated to African cichlid enthusiasts keeping species from Lake Malawi Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria.
African Rift Lake Chemistry - Archive of newsgroup messages pertaining to cichlids and water chemistry.
Amazing Cichlids Of The African Rift Lakes - Descriptions of the African cichlids the author keeps and breeds. Pictures of fish and tank setups.
Aulonocara Info - Offers basic information on keeping and breeding of this species which is also known as the Peacock cichlid.
Browny's Cichlid Site - Care breeding and maintenance information on the author's Lake Malawi cichlids and aquarium plants.
Cichid Universe - Cichlid breeding and sexing profiles forum and photo contest.
Cichlid Fishes of Lake Malawi Africa - In-depth descriptions of most of the fishes of Lake Malawi with references to the scientific literature.
Cichlid Recipe - Designed for beginning African cichlid hobbyists describes tank selection diet aggression and species.
Cichlids Great and Small - Tank and species photos of Malawi cichlids.
Dan's African Cichlid Page - Aquarium care and maintenance how to buy the right African cichlids and tips for photographing fish.
Dan's Cichlid Aquarium - Information and pictures of African cichlids and tank setup.
Duboisi - Photo galleries forums chat care and feeding information and links to dealers.
Fishaholics - Forum fish profiles photos of members' tanks and articles.
Frontosa Corner - Articles including FAQ and photos.
Frontosa Home - Offers information on water conditions feeding breeding natural habitat and sales.
Frontosafish - Details the keeping of wild Frontosas. Includes photos and recommended books.
Gas Station - African Cichlids - Pictures articles chat message board fish puzzles and links.
Hawki's Mbuna Page - Photos and information on the author's African cichlid tank and a beginner's guide with tips.
Ichthyology Web Resources: Fishes of Lake Tanganyika - List of species that inhabit the lake and its drainage basin.
Keith's Tanganyikans - Information on keeping Tanganyikan and Malawi cichlids with resources on filtration feeding breeding and photos. Also fish for sale.
Lake Malawi Mbuna - Galleries and information about Mbuna in captivity and in the wild.
Larry Johnson's Lake Malawi Cichlid Page - Features many fish photographed in their natural habitat.
Malawi and Tanganyika Cichlids - Photos and some information about cichlids from Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika.
Malawi and Victorian Cichlids - Photos and details about the rock dwelling cichlids mbuna and mbipi as well as information on setting up an aquarium.
Malawi Cichlid Homepage - High quality pictures and wide range of articles and tips by the authors.
Mbuna Cichlid Aquarium - A guide to these fish and their native habitat of Lake Malawi.
My Personal Cichlid Pages - A personal website with information and tips about maintenance and breeding of these fish.
New York City's Homegrown African Cichlid Fisheries - Descriptions of species ecology of African Rift Valley lakes photos fish for sale.
Steve's Fishy Website - Online logs of a Rift Lake cichlid keeper as well as tank information and photos.
Stew's Fish - Photos of the webmaster's African cichlids.
The Cichlid Cellar - Photos taken by a hobbyist. Tips for improving fish photography and fish sales list.
The Cichlid Tank - Information includes how to choose and set up a new tank and explains the nitrogen cycle.
Tropheus - Care natural history and photos of this Tanganyikan genus.