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Angels Links
Angel Fish Culture - Brief scientific background of the angel fish. Includes pictures of different color strains.
Angelfish - A single-page summary of all the basics related to angelfish in aquariums.
Angelfish - Pterophyllum scalare - Photo gallery and hobbyist reviews based on their personal experiences keeping Angelfish.
Angelfish Behavior - Describes Angelfish varieties and behaviors in aquariums.
Angelfish Breeding: Frequently Asked Questions - A comprehensive how-to on breeding and raising freshwater Angelfish in aquariums.
Angelfish Micro Hatchery - Chat room forum and in-depth articles on husbandry water quality stocking rates equipment food and feeding.
Angels West - A breeder site that is also rich in technical information about Angelfish genetics and care.
Breeding Scalare - Information about breeding and raising the fry of Scalare or Angelfish.
Breeding the Angelfish - Online book tells hobbyists how to breed and care for freshwater Angelfish. Tips are applicable to other species from Guppies to Discus. Hardcover version available for purchase.
Cichlids: Pterophyllum - Scientific data sheet of the South American cichlid genus Pterophyllum [Heckel].
FWAngelfishes - A summary page that includes Angelfish history to an extensive published reference list.
Jamie and Annies Fish Page - Close-up photography of developing tropical Angelfish fry
New Breeds - Koi Angelfish specialist that has lots of photos and describes the development history of this variant.
Raising Angelfish - Lengthy article on how to rear fry.
Raising Angelfish My Way - A detailed article from an experienced breeder dealing with equipment setups selection of a mated pairs artificial hatching raising fry and more.
River Angels - Photos and videos of Angels engaging in spawning and egg-tending as well as a bit of breeding information and a collection of links.
The AngelFish Forum II - Forum for an information exchange on the care and breeding of Angelfish.
The Angelfish Society - A worldwide club for Angelfish enthusiasts with membership details standards and genetics information.